
Can anyone tell me about what will happen on 21 december 2012?

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i'd heard in news that on this day, world will be over.....




  1. You Know how god shiva controls life and death?well when ever his 3rd eye opens and his hair goes opens up and he is mad.....some thing  called a Parle happenes and that is the destruction of the world but that will only happen if god shiva is mad or dissapointed witch he is NOT because he is call Bhole nath meaning "nice"and even if that happens its in gods hands and we will die with the world and not alone!

    -Kash M

  2. all indian in living in moon

  3. The "true" part.

    On December 21, 2012, the Sun will be at the southernmost solstice position on the ecliptic.

    The Meso-American Long Count calendar will begin a new Long Count.  Mayan astronomers did use that calendar (it is simply a day-count calendar, similar to our own "Julian Day" calendar)

    The position of the solstice will be at its closest to the Galactic equator (this is on purpose, as the Long Count calendar was built to use this date as a cross-over to the new count) -- using that as a proof that the calendar makes a "surprisingly accurate prediction" is exactly the same as being surprised that our own calendar predicts the New Year for January 1

    "Wow, How did they Know, way back in Summer 2008 when they printed the new calendars, that 2009 would begin on a January 1st -- they must have been clairvoyant."

    The "bland"

    The sun will cross the Galactic equator.  The Sun crosses the Galactic equator twice every year, around December 21 and June 21 every year.  I survived the Galactic Crossing of June 21 2008, so I feel strong enough to survive both of the 2012 crossings.

    There may be lots of activity on the Sun.  

    Solar activity matches the sunspot cycle.  There is a maximum every 11 years (or so).  So far, I have survived mumblety-mumble of these solar maximums, I think I can survive a few more.  But don't take it from me, check around you if there is anyone older than 11.

    The "useless"

    There will be a polarity reversal of Earth's magnetic field.  

    These things happen (on average) every 700,000 years and we are about due.  Even though some of the signs are there, we do not know it if has actually started yet.  When it does, the change takes about 1,000 years.  Obviously it will not be ready in time for the Big 2012 Hoax Off.

    The "blatantly false"

    The Mayan calendar ends and they (the Mayans or their calendar) predicted the end of the world.  No they didn't.  Mayan astronomers used the Long Count calendar.  They have described astronomical event which were to take place well after the year we call 2012 (the same way we can write about solar eclipses that will take place in the year 3000).  They used the Long Count calendar to indicate the date of these events.  Obviously they expected neither the world nor their calendar to end.

    Planet Nibiru will... (whatever).  

    Planet Nibiru (in this context) is a fictitious planet that came out of a poor translation of old Sumerian texts and the "vivid imagination" of the original translator.  Even this guy, who had thus created the legend of Nibiru, is tired of seeing "his" planet associated with 2012.  He had calculated that it could not come back before 2085.  (However, it is still a fictitious planet).

    Asteroid and comets...

    The Earth is hit every day by asteroids and comets (small ones, of course).  Anything big enough to do serious damage or destroy civilization is tracked and we are safe for a few decades (after that we simply don't know as there may be subtle changed in orbits that affect where these things are after a hundred years).

    Buy my book...

    A lot of these "New Agers" have books and videos to sell.  Some of them go as far as selling you the "secrets" to survival.

    It will be the end of the world but if you give me your money, you my friend, will be allowed to survive.  

    Sounds a lot like a repeat of the era of American TV preachers who became rich by preaching that God prefers poorer people...

  4. Nothing horrible will happen.Be sure.

  5. Hopefully.

  6. Santa will be checking his list and packing his sleigh.

    Aside from that "sos".

  7. If you believe the Maya, this period of Earth time will end and a new period will begin.

    The Earth and Sun will align to the center of our galaxy and who knows what kind of radiation will shoot out and bathe the Earth.

  8. well, nobody has seen tomorrow that what will happen in future but I saw a news channel and they were saying that one meteorite may fall on our earth.Nobody is confirmed about it.

  9. Well the 21st of Dec. 2012 will be the shortest day of the year. Also the start of winter with many more to come.

    Dennis G

  10. Nothing.








  11. i think due to global warming ice caps melt and there will be a lot of floods.

  12. Probably, nothing will happen! It's the "end" of the Mayan calendar - which doesn't mean anything, it was just a base-13 device with 5 positions and on 12-21-12 it resets to zero.

    There are just a lot of people trying to make money off writing books about it, don't buy into it it's all garbage.

  13. thats wut i heard 2

  14. Well, on 12/21/12, I'm gonna be at the mall running around getting my family Christmas gifts, and, I might be a little ticked over the election, depending on who wins.

    The end of the world will be the least of my worries.

    The Mayan calander will be ending it's cycle, they'll be no extension because it's out of date and irrelevant.

    Nostadamous will be popular, people will be praising his predictions and blah blah blah. Truth is, this guy made up hundreds of predictions, and of the ones he managed to get somewhat close suddenly made sense, because we wanted to believe in someone who could tell the future. The predictions are so vague; some of the langauge he uses could be stretched and bended to "make sense". It's ridiculous.  

    Oh, and I'm sure the history channel will be blowin' up with 2012 "end of the world" shows.

    The people who make those shows make sure to put eerie music and dramatic cut scenes to get your attention, and basically use you like a tool for ratings.

    Don't sweat it.

  15. My cousins birthday! woo! sweet 16!

  16. There are many different civilizations and prophecies that name this particular date as a time of major change.  Everyone from the already mentioned Mayans to the Ancient Greeks to the Hopi nation.  No one can say what the change actually will be.  Won't it be exciting to find out?!

  17. December 21st is supposed to be he shortest day of the world and its the end of the world for Mayans. You see, they only have a calender up to 12-21-12. TO them, their Gods did this to warn them about the end of the world. Then, everyone will dissappear and die. Thus making the day short since no one will be able to live it.


  18. Remember the BIG 2K Scare (Year 2000) ??!!

    Remember how everyone thought that the world would end because everything is hooked up to computers and everything will shut down because computers wouldn't be able to switch over.

    I think 2012 will be like that.

  19. it's a fairly safe bet that the sun will rise that morning, ppl will go about their business, and it will set that evening.

  20. yaaa, according to mayan calendar the last day is 21-12-2012. let's see what happens.i think u saw the news on indiatv or aajtak or star news. have i guessed it right?

  21. Ka-boom.

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