
Can anyone tell me any exercises to enhance my grip strength?

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In my line of work, I often have to go "hands on" and restrain irate individuals and psyciatric patients. Despite using several methods (handgrippers, the Gripmaster, fingertip pushups) over the years, I continue to have trouble building and maintaining grip strength...suggestions anyone?




  1. Get a rope or something, remember when you was a little boy and at gym you go climb in ropes?

    Or go climb some tree's?:p

    Get weights like of 20kg~40kg and try to pick up with 1 hand every time(not to pick up much times, but to hold tight on it and try pick it up, just don't let it go and try your best)

    Squeeze all kind of stuff in your house...

    a good/like one of the best thing is squeeze rice!

    This really helps a lot, just take some rice in your hands and squeeze every day a few times


    Go to Gym a lot and do all of the weight-exercise

    Something like that will enhance your grip strenght

    Good Luckz


  2. Take a version of the daily newspaper. Lay out one double page of the newspaper and practice crumbling up the paper into a tiny ball using just one hand at a time. Practice shooting the crumbled up balls into the waste paper basket for 2 points.

  3. At a sports store there is a thing that has 2 bars and a circle thing at the top which u squeeze and that helps. Sorry dont know what its called

  4. I've tried all of those commercial methods, and they don't really do much for me. The best method I've found is to take tennis balls and squeeze them until they deflate. If you think about it, it makes sense: you're essentially working your grip muscles in a more natural way with good resistance. The stuff that they sell in the stores has too much give in my opinion. You're simply not getting enough resistance. Tennis balls are meant to hold up to a lot of pressure and are ideal for this kind of exercise.

    When I work on my grip, I carry a tennis ball in my bag with me and use it whenever I have free time.

  5. I think the person above suggested a handgripper. anyhow, I'd suggest NOT cracking your hands first off, it doesn't cause arthritis but can effect your grip. anyhow, it sounds crazy, but work on your armstrength, the muscles are all connected and grip is really controlled by the arm muscle.

  6. You should learn chin na it won't take you  long to learn a few techniques  that you can use safely at work.. You will learn locks that restrain and that uses the irate persons pain to take him down and for you to control them. Very little strength is required on your part. Check internet for Chin na  Schools in your area.

  7. Take two 10 pound barbell plates and grip them together with one hand for as long as you can hold it.  Gradually work your way up in weight and time.  

    You can also do wrist curls and reverse wrist curls with dumbells.  I also do an excercise where you sit on the floor with one elbow resting on the floor, gripping a dumbell in that hand, and then rotating the dumbell back and forth.  Lastly you could train with kettlebells.

  8. If you are allowed to use joint locks in this facility then I would suggest working on improving the speed and technique of your locks. Find quaIified instructors to help tweak your technique. If you are only allowed passive or prone hold downs work on judo's matholds.

    To just work on your grip strength throw a towell over a chin-up bar and grab each end for your pull ups. Bring a handball or tennis ball around with you to sqeeze it throughout the day.

    Do wrist curls and reverse wrist curls with a barbell or dumbells (lay your forearms across the seat of a bench with your hands hanging off and curl the weight up with the forearm muscles).

  9. AHHHHHHHH Figure it Out, Giggity Giggty Goo Lotion and a Tissue

  10. Giggity is right GIGGITY

  11. I would suggest Baoding Balls, Chin Na Stones, and Bags.

    The Baoding balls are good for opening the hands up and using different movements to different muscles that most people dont use.   Use these first and last, almost as a warm up / cool down.

    The Stones are great for holding power and grip.  You hold them with the narrow end, with only the fingers, and out at arms length, usually while in horse stance.

    The bags are simple canvas bags with steel shot in them that you toss and catch,  quickening and strenghtening at the same time.

    Also, take a short wooden 1" dowel (about 2 feet, about 3 feet of rope and a 5 lb weight (the flat type).  Tie the weight to one end of the rope, and the other end to the center of the dowel.  Grab the dowel near the ends, hold it out in front of you, and slowly roll the rope up and pull the weight up to the dowel, then let it down, not allowing it to slip down.  After a while, move up in weight.

    Also, I would suggest finding a local Kung Fu school that teaches Chin Na techniques.  It isnt always how hard you can grip and hold onto someone, but where and how you grab them.

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