
Can anyone tell me how long will it take me to learn playing the piano?

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i've always wanted to learn how to play the piano because i want to be the one to accompany the choir in our church. the problem is i don't have any idea how to learn. now, i'm planning to buy a keyboard so i could start my piano lessons. i don't have anyone to teach i just search on the net for piano tutorials. would i be able to learn and for how long?




  1. Yes, you CAN learn by yourself. I have been playing the piano now for 10 years all because I learned from a book. And depending on how much self-motivation you have, you can start playing simple hymns for your church in a matter of months. Just remember the importance of practice or you will never be good enough to play for anyone.

  2. Try searching the net for online piano lessons? We found an excelent  site for free guitar lessons, so there must be some good free piano lessons similar, out there.

    AS for how long, well, that depends on yourself?

  3. You can pick up some pretty cheap starter books from any music store. The complete begging is always a good place to start. The only way to learn is to be patient, i taught myself to play and after a month i was well on my way. Once you go through the first book i recommend getting the other books after it. Usually, if you get past the 4th book u can play almost any easy to medium pieces. Don't forget the theory as well, what makes up chords etc, (email me if u want the basics) The chords will help you play all songs, even music for guitars and it sounds like you have been playing for years. I wish you all the best on learning piano and i hope you succeed.

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