
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of moles? I'm talking about the animals that dig tunnels in my yard.?

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I've tried putting out a repellent but it hasn't worked. Any suggestions?




  1. There are traps available. Maybe research on line for a different repellent that you had used the first time. I once had this problem, I just dug him up and threw him over the fence into my neighbors back yard and never had seen him since.

  2. Treat your yard for grubs. Moles feed on grubs. No grubs...No moles. Good Luck. It took me 3 years to figure out how to get rid of them.

  3. I have heard it all. Egg shells, chewing gum, banana peelings, flooding, peppers, human hair, Soap and bacon grease, humane urine, chemical pellets and even smoke. Sorry, but it’s all worthless. You’re going to have to get rid of them and do so aggressively. For best and quickest results, use the spring traps (I saw some at Wall-Mart last week). Place them over the "runs" that you see thought your yard. Then the moles go through, it triggers the trap and you'll have one. Be sure to re-set the trap for another.

    Poison peanuts/wheat also work, but results are slower. These are made by the W. R. Sweeney Company. I have also, if you have the time, walk on the mound that is left when they dig & just wait. Soon, you will see them going through the tunnel by raising the dirt again. Quickly dig them up w/a shovel. You have to move fast to get them this way. Odds are good; you won't be able to kill them fast enough.

    Until you solve the real problem, you will continue to have moles. They are in you yard because there is an abundance of Grubs there. Just like another animal, they have selected your yard for the abundance of food there. You can treat your yard with a Bayer product, Merit  or a Scotts product , Grub EX. It is a granular product that spreads on the lawn much like you would spread fertilizer. A product that has Bifenthrin, sometimes called Talstar as an active ingredient in it will also work well.  Another possibility is to add nematodes to your yard. The nematodes can be found at most of your Mom and Pop garden centers, and feed on Grubs. Another product many people have had success with (myself included) is Milky Spore. To treat the lawn, just put a spoon full at 3 foot by 3 foot. Milky Spore lasts for many years. Understand, it will only kill the grub in its larva stage and will not harm the existing grubs. These are much more organic approaches, but as is normally the case with organic solutions, results will be slower. Rid your yard of the Grubs and your mole problem will not be resurfacing.

  4. Treating for the food source of grubs is not effective.  You need to use traps.

  5. I don't envy you!  Moles are attracted to the good stuff in your garden, but they also like grubs and other critters that live in the soil. You may want to treat your yard for these. Otherwise, use cayenne pepper in the soil, doesn't harm plants one bit.

    You can also consider building a trench of gravel around your flower bed. That way when they tunnel, they will find a new route since the gravel could prove to be very uncomfortable for them when they dig.

    You could try trapping them, as they do make a mess on a lovely lawn. Last, you could also try a sonic repellant device in conjunction with the above, just to seal the deal.

    Use critter ridder.

  6. Visit a dermatologist or try applying aloe vera to it.

  7. Traps work good put them over runs that are being used. Moles run on two hour cycles feed for two hours and sleep for two hours. Poke a hole in a run with a broom stick, wait two hours and see if the hole is filled in, if it is place the trap there. You can buy them at Lowes or Home Depot. Poison peanuts dont work either. Castor based repellants will work for a while.

  8. Apparently, the most effective way is to trap them....

    Moles - insectivores that feed on grubs, millipedes, ants and earthworms. They do not hibernate and have a high metabolic rate so require lots of food. Their main foods are grubs and earthworms. Signs of mole infestation are mounded soil and heaved runways which are most visible in fall and spring. They do not eat roots or bulbs but their tunneling disfigures lawn and gardens.

    I bet a couple of cats wouldn't hurt either!

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