
Can anyone tell me how to get to Parco della Pellerina in Torino?

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I'll be travelling there from Milano on Thursday and I'm wondering which station would be the best to go to, Porta Nuova or Porta Susa? And then what other forms of transportation can I take to get to Parco della Pellerina? Thanks!




  1. Porta Susa is closer.  Porta Nuova is the end of the line.

    The Torino Dora station is the same distance from the park as Porta Susa.

    I would take a taxi to the park.  

    You can take the metro.  Rivoli stop is the closest to the park, but it would still be a long hike.  

    Great city, by the way.  The area around Porta Nuova has a lot going on.

  2. you must take 2 buses(or metro + 1 bus) to get there form both railstation..

    you can plan your way from the site of buses and metro of turin GTT (in english too) : (as destination you can simply type "parco pellerina")

  3. go to google search and type in

    milano, italia . After that comes up type in Torino, italia (get directions). You should see a map with the route (A26) and driving time of about two hours or less.

    Or type in  or go to

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