
Can anyone tell me how to make a hovercraft that can seat 1-2 people and can actually be steered or move?

by  |  earlier

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i have found hovercrafts online that can float but they have to be pushed and i have also found manuals but they cost money. i want to just learn how to make them




  1. All right, here you go. I once had to do a hovercraft project in school. the hovercraf is so simple, exept for the propeling, but get a blower/vac shop vac or leaf blower. Go to home depot. get at least a 5 by 5 sheet of 1/2 inch ply wood. use a sawzall,jig saw or side cutting router to cut a nice even circle. go to wal mart and by a roll of polyethalene, or a tarp at job lot, and cut a 6 by 6 circle. cut a hole that the hose or tube from the blower you are using will fit snuggly in, about 1 1/2 feet from the edge. place the plywood evenly over the polyehalene or tarp and fold the extra tarp or whatever over the edge of plywood but not too tightly. Use lots of thumbtacks to tack the hangover down. Next use duct tape to tape it airtight. Flip the piece of c**p over and use something similar to a coffee can lid but stronger as a washer in the center and s***w that b*****d on there. this will create a donut like bubble underneath. cut a few holes a couple inches away from the big *** washer, but not too much. you can always make more if the hovercraft is not slippery enouph on the ground. now just turn the piece of c**p back over and test it with your naughty nunu vacuum. If it works you move ont the propultion. that, you could use a emergency jumperbox for cars, an inverter to make a/c current, and a box fan. make some rudders a seat or two and there you go.

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