
Can anyone tell me how to raise a cat as an indoor cat?

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Generally, how often would it need to go out, if at all? Would it be happy as an indoor cat if it had been raised that way?




  1. tea kettles. works every time

  2. In my experience, all you need to do is to provide a litter box in a quiet corner away from where you feed your cat. Keep the litter cleaned and changed. Additionally you will need to provide a scratching post or your furniture may get torn up by your cat's scratching. Your cat will be perfectly happy.

  3. If you start letting it outside, it'll want to be outside. If you never let it out, and just let it have a liter box in the house somewhere, it wont ever want to go outside. You have to choose, either indoor or outdoor. I lost my first cat, letting it go outside. He came home poisened and died right in front of myself, my husband and our son. My husband even gave it mouth to was a sad scene. Now I have two new cats...and they stay inside. Theyll be cleaner if you keep them inside too.*

  4. if you want an indoor cat, you would never have to let it out, it would have all of it's necessities inside. To feed the hunting hunger that your cat would act on outdoors, leave toys around the house for him to "hunt" instead. He'll be happy either way :-)

  5. if you want an indoor cat keep it inside. but if you want an in and out cat. let the cat out whenever they're meowing at the door. yes the cat would be happy inside. i have 3 inside cats.

  6. My 3 cats are all indoor cats and always have been......they're perfectly happy being inside because they've never been out.  If you ever let them out, then you're in trouble because they'll expect to keep going out.  Keep he/she inside, plenty of food, litter boxes, and toys and it will be fine.  Oops, almost forgot about giving them plenty of loving!  lol

  7.   All of my cats were born out side now they stay in and are happy to do so .  

  8. An indoor cat is just that - an indoor cat.  They don't need to go outside - as long as you have a clean litterbox that you clear out daily and dry food and water available at all times he'll be fine.  A cat will live a longer, healthier life if you do not allow them outside.  Please remember to spay/neuter your cat even if he is an indoor cat, this will also help him/her live a longer happier life.  The more he goes out the more the chances increase of being hit by a car, mauled by another animal or pick up a disease - or even taken by a well-meaning neighbor or animal control thinking it's a stray.  Leave him indoors, he'll be happy as long as you care for him.

  9. Raising a cat indoors is the best thing you can do for it. It's less likely to contract diseases and less likely to to hurt by other animals - including humans.

    It's pretty easy to raise a cat indoors. All you need is a clean litter box, fresh food & water, a couple toys and a scratching "post" if your cat has claws (Which, even if indoors, your cats should still have their claws - If the cat happens to get outdoors, it'll need a way to defend itself if necessary).

    Cats can end up being more loving this way and less like a "upity cat." Make sure you leave some blinds open during the day tho, so the cat can look outside and the birds and other wildlife. They may seem like they want "outside," but you're really make the best choice.

    If you have a back porch that's screened in, you can sit outside with the cat back there sometimes too.

    Good luck!

  10. All my life I have had cats both indoor and outdoor. I have two indoor cats now. They get fresh air by sitting in windows. Most cats that go outside won't want to stay in. You have to decide for them - In or out!!!  Having a cat that goes in and out can cause more problems with things such as fleas.

    Indoor cats are just as happy but way cleaner!!!

  11. well my cat is an indoor cat but we let her out if we sit on the porch for some air other than that she has the time of her life running around the house just make sure it has toys to entertain it and play with it

  12. You wouldn't need to take them out as they would potty in the litter box. My indoor cats are very happy being inside all the time. They could care less to go outdoors.  

  13. My cat was raised from 5wks old to 18 years as an indoor cat (only because of the human made dangers outdoors)! I played with him as mush as poss.I made sure he had plenty of water from various places around the home and they will NEED grass to be made available to help with fur-balls.I had lots of toys for him and access to windows is essential.Do not forget to make your home cat-safe: Plants can often be toxic if chewed by a cat,ensure windows are closed when going out  generally safeguard your cat's environment!

    I left a radio on when I went out (Not too loud).

    In giving my cat lots of attention I came to respect and adore all cats. We had a very close bond and I cherish the memories I have of him-he gave me so much!

    As an indoor cat, yours could give as much enjoyment to you as you give to them

  14. Buy it a litter box - the cat will do the rest.

  15. CAts are fine indoors. It is so much better for them, anyhow. They do not need to worry about getting hit by  a car, or getting in a fight with another animal,etc. I just brought in a cat that I had been feeding all winter. I had her spayed, checked for worms (before she could be around my other cats ) Guess what... she has no desire to go back outside. I have two enclosed porches ( with screens and windows) My cats love being there, but are just so content being inside, I recommend it highly!!

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