
Can anyone tell me if Chinese medicine/acupuncture work for ME?

by Guest57430  |  earlier

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Hello Doc,

Not sure what you want me to say really.

I have ME and am considering alternative medicine but don't want to waste my money and disappoint myself so was wondering if anyone else had any useful experience or ideas they could share with me.





  1. Molly, can you rephrase the question or give some detail?  Sure it works for some, but what is the issue?  I'm not here for best answer obviously, just want to help.

  2. Everyone experiences things differently.... you won't know unless you do it.

  3. I used accupuncture for insominia and depression and it worked wonderfully!  I went consistantly for 3 weeks, having 3 one hour sessions.  EAch time I went I slept better and better.  It also increased my mood.

  4. Hiya Molly. It could very well help you yes. You would have nothing to lose by trying.

    I would recommend a book called - Recipes to Heal Yourself. It's full of very useful information about Chinese medicine, and also has some really good recipes in it.

    Aromatherapy and gentle massage would also help you feel a lot better.

    I wish you luck. Feel better soon.

    EDIT: Yes, I am. ME is a horrible condition to have to live with. Reflexology has helped, as has this website...

  5. I understand your position on complementary and alternative medicine.  It is a healthy position, in my opinion.  Good for you that you are considering it but at the same time, taking time to ask sensible questions about modalities/health systems before diving into it.

    First and foremost, I'd like to talk about Chinese Medicine as practiced by a "Western" M.D. who has since embraced it (namely, myself).  I see it as both primary treatment for some disorders (pain, obviously, and mostly when the body fails to regulate itself, digestive, gynecologic, neurological) and complementary for others (reduce side effects of chemotheraphy, or reduce side effects of antibiotics, or reduce doses of other meds.)

    Do not be misled by the well-meaning yet ill-informed skeptics who attribute the good effects of acupuncture and chinese herbs only to placebo.  There are tons of studies out there explaining just how acupuncture and chinese herbs work (and I do not mean by balancing qi or yin and yang... I'm talking about nerve pathways and parts of the brain affected, as well as specific chemicals in herbs that have therapeutic effect)  I suggest looking at the studies section of for more.

    Now, for the practical side.  Just as there are great "western" doctors and not-so-great ones, so the quality of Chinese Medicine Doctors varies from the near-legendary to the barely adequate.  Now, just as in "western" medicine, there is no real way to determine who is good and who is lousy as a practitioner.  Here are some tips:

    a) check credentials - obviously a guy with more training will have more experience, and thus, a broader perspective in the diagnosis and treatment of disease

    b) also, make sure that the acupuncturist/herbalist has conventional medical training.  That way he will be very qualified in making sure you get appropriate treatment for your condition - i.e. recognizing when a western medical specialist is needed.

  6. What is ME?

  7. Multiple Episiotomies?

    Many Elfs in your bathroom?

  8. Remember there are two schools of Chinese medicine. One is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the other is 5-element theory.

    The fundamental difference between the two is that 5-element theory acknowledges and is able to treat Spirit. The other (TCM) however is the modernised version and does not treat Spirit. It will treat ME from a biochemical viewpoint.

    I don't have ME but suffer from PTSD and carry a host of somatic symptoms.  I developed an apprehension of needles through acupuncture over the years as they sometimes have hurt badly.

    Now I have Shiatsu, reflexology or Tui Na.  All are massages that work on the meridian systems and all are much truer to the 5-element theory than most acupuncturists.  

    From own experience I will say it can achieve mind boggling results.  I have had Tui Na and felt I had legs as if I was 14 again (I'm 42).  Shiatsu has returned full mobility in my shoulders in a single treatment on occasions where i could not lift my arm enough to enable me to shave my armpits! Reflexology has lifted me from the dolldrums of doom and gloom and my partner said once it returns the sparkle in my eye...

    All depends on the practitioner.  Some are brilliant and some are absolutely useless.  Most are somewhere inbetween.

    I would try it.  You have nothing to lose.  Western meds don't have the cure for ME.  5-element-theory might give your ME a different name but might actually be able to address the (underlying) problems.

    Whichever you decide, all the best of luck, take care.

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