
Can anyone tell me if I can freeze port?

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I opened a bottle of port tonight for a recipe and I only used a little of it. I don't want to drink it but I don't want to waste it. Can I successfully freeze port?




  1. what is port?

  2. Port will freeze.  However, do not try to freeze it in a glass container.  When freezing, the port expands and it could break the container.  Also, overchilling wine can alter the taste.  I would just cork the bottle and keep it in the fridge.


  3. will be tough to freeze it depends how low your freezer goes, but as it will be higher alcohol content than wine, have you tried freezing wine? what happens?

    a Decent Port will keep reasonably well for a Month or so, so put the cork back in and just smell or taste before using it again. No cork then just drink it.

  4. You don't have to freeze it (it'll just turn to slush) to keep it. Just cork it and keep in the fridge.

  5. u cant

    After opening, ports should be kept in a cool place out of strong light. Ports with stoppers can be kept for up to a couple of months

    cook with it - makes great sauce for steaks, just put 1 cup in pan and let it reduce to half then top steaks with it - add a few sliced mushrooms if you like

  6. Yes, freeze the port wine in ice cube trays, then once frozen store in plastic freezer bags to prevent freezer burn.

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