
Can anyone tell me if a former employer can refuse to give a written reference.?

by  |  earlier

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I finished on good enough terms but have been hearing some pretty ordinary stuff being said about me here and there. I just thought I would ask for one from my old boss to get his reaction.




  1. No they dont have to give a reference.

    They only thing you are not allowed to do is give a bad one.

    Go speak to them and stop listening to the local Gossips

  2. No they are not required to give you a written reference.

    They are also under no circumstances allowed to speak about you to anyone, unless you have given them express written permission, under Privacy Laws.

    Also they are actually not allowed to say anything negative about you - yes this seems ridiculous - but they are not allowed to say anything negative about you, the only real way they can express negativity is in the tone of their voice!!

    They can get in a lot of trouble, with respect to Privacy Laws & you can sue them if they say anything negative about you.

    If you had stolen from them, and been convicted of stealing from them, and gone to prison, they could not even say that in a reference.

    In QLD you can go to for free legal advice on this matter.

  3. I'm not an expert, but i think that it is up to them whether they give a written reference or not.

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