
Can anyone tell me if a team has won an AFL premiership......?

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from 7th or 8th on the ladder after the regular season?




  1. Only the Crows have won a premiership after finishing 5th in the home and away season.

  2. I think richmond won from 4th in 1980 when it was the top 5. but not sure

  3. no. (i can't tell you)

  4. No, not yet, the final 8 was only recently introduced, (15 yrs or so) before that it was the final 6, and before that the final 4.

  5. I can tell you there was a team that climbed from 5th back in 1998 - Adelaide, but that's the lowest place someones climbed to win a flag.

  6. No.

    That means, no they haven't won one, or no, I have no idea.

    I don't actually know much about AFL.  I just answer the gossipy type questions that appear in here.

  7. Not AFL I don't think, but in the VFL, 1919(?) Fitzroy won the Premiership and Wooden Spoon in the same year. There were only 5 teams competing due to the war and it was the final 5 system. The surprising thing is Fitzroy only won 2 games in the home and away season.

  8. NO, no team has ever done that.

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