
Can anyone tell me if german trains are smooth, straight and level?

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i have never ridden a train before and i am nervous about it and would like to know any good advice from anyone who has ridden any europe trains before and i am especially concerned that it is a smooth straight ride. Thanks =)




  1. Yes, smooth, straight (except in the curves, but there's nothing roller coaster-like about them) and level.

    And the ICE trains are very fast - up to 200 MPH

  2. I am someone that grew up around trains.( you know the game monopoly? the reading railroad, thats my back yard serioulsy) Trains are only ruff when they are on wooden rails which there isn't many left anymore. The metal rails were made for an easyer ride because the wooden ones, when transporting supplies, would bang up all the stuff and break it. The only wooden rail i know of is in Qubec Canada.

    Now the answer is it will be a little bumpy, but its not like a plane or boat. You get use to is after awhile.

    European trains are built just like america trains, because the design is made by the same person(sorry cant remember name)

    The tracks are also build the same. The only thing not the same is the train laws. (ex usa there is a speed limit of 75mph when in europe there is a speed limit of 100mph)

  3. I travelled on German trains in the late 1970s - early 1980s. They were very good then and have improved in the meantime.

    All the tracks are welded, giving a very smooth ride. As to being straight and level, all rail lines are made as straight and level as possible. The most level and straight lines are in north Germany where the countryside is very flat. In the more mountainous areas to the south they curve about a bit more. Gradients are very shallow on rail lines, so shallow that you don't notice you are going uphill or down.

    Rest assured the German trains are very good - in fact I think they are better than in the UK where I live. Expect a smooth, comfortable ride and trains that run like clockwork.

  4. if you are going on the ICE train -- (germany to amsterdam) OMG it's the best train ride ever! :)

    Rest of the euro-rail 's train are pretty good too -- so don't worry too much-- u won't get train sick :)

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