
Can anyone tell me if someone with liver diease who continues to drink, gets drunk easier and quicker?

by  |  earlier

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my husband has advanced liver disease apparently less than 10 percent and still continues to drink at least 6 litres of cheap cider a day, he will not listen to me i have tryed to tell him many times, but he wont listen, anyway he seems to be much more drunk even though he drinks the same as hes always drunk, he wets himself a lot more, sleeps a lot more and most of the time doesnt know what hes doing, I was thinking that the effects are worse because he has little of his liver left?




  1. if he drinks loads it will damage him alot more why don't you shock him by arange his local doctor to show him a computer generated image of his liver if he keeps drinking booze. then it might stop him drinking.

    ive added a link  that should and might help you.

    if you want a chat when your feeling down when he does not listen to you add my new yahoo addy and i hope he does get help to stop drinking because you love him very much and he needs to aknolage that you do and he has to let you help you because at the end of the day you care about his health and he drinks booze cuz he dont wanna listen to u  . if it was up to me id stop him by showing him a shock video of generated liver that will put him off drinking. im not a doctor or a medic but ive gave you some helpful tips i hope :)  

  2. It is possible.  It may be that he is also suffering from a B vitamin deficiency,  as many alcoholics do.  Some thiamine pills might help, but he should be in hospital.  I hope he recovers.  If he is bleeding at all inside he might be anaemic.

  3. it spoil the health by drinking

  4. You are partially right. His liver is not able to break down fats and poisons as well as it did before he developed the liver disease. As a result, the toxins in the alcohol affect him much sooner and are much stronger. This also happens with medicines. Continuing to drink will significantly worsen his liver disease until it eventually becomes permanent scarring of the liver. Fluid will begin to accumulate along his belly (ascites) and he will need to have it drained off periodically. Eventually the liver itself will stop working and he will need a transplant if he is to survive the illness.

    Or he can stop drinking. Alcoholics Anonymous can be extremely helpful when he is ready to address his problem, which is bigger than advanced liver disease.  

  5. no it wont get you drunked faster but it will ruin the liver more if he drink alot

  6. yes you are correct. if he dose not stop he will die and from what your say his liver is almost shut down, he could go in days no more than another month

  7. absolutely..the enzymes attempting to detoxify the alcohol are not working as well and there are fewer liver cells capable of metabolism . Drinking will hasten the onset of liver failure which will result in shutdown of organ sytems. He needs professional help..and very soon !

  8. the body is struggling.

    it must really hard for you to stand and watch what he is doing to himself so i'm sorry for you about that

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