
Can anyone tell me if the Granducato hotel near Florence is a good place to stay?

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Can anyone tell me if the Granducato hotel near Florence is a good place to stay?




  1. The hotel itself is okay, but it's not as close as they claim to Florence (it's about a half hour). Taxis are expensive in Florence and there are no close bus stops. Even if you have a car, something closer to the center of the city would be a better option.

  2. The Boscolo? is outside the city. It is nice due to its seclusion form the hectic downtown/historic area of Florence. But if you don't rent a car or scooter to make the trip yourself, you will spend a fortune on cabs as I don't believe they have any sort of shuttle and if the bus does go past it, it will take forever to get into the city. But friends who stayed there when visiting me in Florence  said they were treated well and the amenities were great (on site restaurant was a bit pricy but apparently very good). Still, you can find lots of hotels in the city itself that are quite nice and reasonable.

  3. It'a absolutely awesome, immersed in the Tuscan country and really comfortable. A good choice if you don't mind being abt. a  20 minutes driving far from Florence.

  4. What kind of accommodations are you looking for? Get in contact with me if you want some suggestions and let me know what your price range is and the amenities that you require.

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