
Can anyone tell me if there is some unknown reason the saints keep playing corner back Jason David???

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I'm 24 and I am a girl so I do acknowledge that I don't know all there is to know about football. That being said, I'm sick and tired of sitting at the saints games every week and watching Jason David just hand the other team play after play. He gets burned off the block 90% of the time, his reaction time to a receiver cutting inside is the slowest I've seen and our opponents intentionally exploit his side of the field with pass after pass to the receiver he is covering(can't blame them) Is there a reason he is still the starter? something I don't know about? Please enlighten me!!! Thanks from a die hard saints fan




  1. the reason why he is getting burnt because the defense he comes from the saints run a man to man defense while the colts run a cover 2 which there is zone and safties to help him over the top and dont have to worry about getting beat man to man so when he gets with the saints he has trouble getting use to man to man so its very hard to get use to it cause of the diversity of a playbook i know because i play QB and this is my moms yahoo and its real hard because the amount of plays and speed towards the nfl so he has to get used to it give him 1more year or 2 and he'll be ready

  2. Hey really knows all there is to know about football...and certainly not the know-it-alls on Y!A(bring on the thumbs downs!) a Colts fan i was suprised the Saints jumped to take Jason David after the Superbowl...ur exactly right...he is very slow and gets beat like a drum...though he does make a highlight reel play every so often...The reason their starting him is it's the pre-season, where no-one cares about the W-L record...the point of the pre-season is to 1) rest starters and play them as little as possible, to avoid injury and 2) give playing time to the bench-warmers to develop experience and depth in the squad and see how good they really are and also to determine who should be cut before the regular season begins.

    I think in the regular season Mike McKenzie and Randall g*y should be the starting corners for the Saints...and they might use Jason David on nickel and dime packages(where the offense uses multiple recievers...and so the defense counters by using multiple defensive backs to cover them...rather than using LB's who can't cover WR's)

  3. Part of the answer is that its the preseason and teams are trying to find out just who will start when the real season starts.  I haven't watched any Saints preseason games so i cant speak to his talent level.  I would just wait and see if he ended up starting for week one.  I believe the Saints have a good shot at the playoffs,

  4. they want to see how really good he is to make the roster i guess i don't watch to many saints games.

  5. they keep playing him because they want him to try to earn some of the money they threw his way for his inability to cover a pass.  he is a good corner back, but not in man to man situations like the saints run.  if he were to join a team with a zone coverage, say indy or tampa bay, he wouldn't have the same problems.  and yes, teams will game plan against a weaker corner. hence, why the texans won last night.

  6. well he looked good with the colts, so the saints threw huge money at him. so in a sense they have to use him because he makes so much money. he would be the worlds most expensive back up corner if he sat.  

  7. I dont know either. I am a Saints fan too and I thought when they signed Aaron Glenn, Randell g*y, and drafted Tracy Porter it would be the end of him but I guess not.  

  8. ummm... ITS DA PRESEASON STUPID. they ain't playin their best players, and if he IS the starter for the season then maybe they don't have anyone better. But the Saints don't have a chance anyway so I wouldn't worry about it.

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