
Can anyone tell me more about dissociative identity disorder?

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I know someone that has DID and I'd like to know more about it. I know she has several alters...but I don't know if she's aware of being an alter or if she remembers afterward? I looked it up on-line, but I'd like to hear some people's personal experiences with it.

If you spend 3 hours as one of your alters, do you remember what you did? Are people aware of all their alters? Just some questions.




  1. Google It.

  2. Some people do remember what goes on when they're "inside" and an alter is running the show, so to speak. It depends largely on the person. there's a book by Dr. Cameron West, called "First Person Plural". It's his own story, as he was diagnosed with DID after his alters started showing themselves. It's a really great book.

    My best friend had DID, and she wound up not being able to deal with it and committing suicide. Sometimes she remembered what went on when an alter was in control, sometimes she didn't.

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