
Can anyone tell me??????

by  |  earlier

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i want to get a tattoo of elmo in remembrance of my son and i was wondering if anybody knows a good site that i could find one




  1. elmo the little red fuzzy thing?

    google images.

  2. I am sorry for what you must be going through...

    Here is a very cute drawing of Elmo, that would translate easily into a tattoo:

    here's a head shot w/closed mouth smile:

    Take any one to your artist, or a picture, and/or bring Elmo with you, and go to a good experienced artist.

    Where are you putting Elmo? Over your heart? Arm? leg? wrist? back?

    Take care, and I think that getting this tattoo is a wonderful thing for you to do. I hope that at times he will make you smile.

  3. just google images "Elmo"! more or less every image can be drawn up by your tattooist into a tattoo design!! good luck xx

  4. I know this isn't strictly what you asked but the answerer above has linked to some nice pics of Elmo and I just wanted to recommend this site below as a good place commission work from:

    You can explain your idea and artists will bid for it, then you look at the artists' portfolios to help you decide whether to accept their bid.

    But whatever you do, I hope it turns out to be what you want.


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