
Can anyone tell me some stuff about Cedar Point?

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I'm leaving for Cedar Point tomorrow as my last bit of freedom before I start college.

What are some of your favorite rides? I wanna have an idea of what I wanna ride when I get there.




  1. definetely top thrill dragster it's INSANE!!!!

  2. you should definitely do Top Thrill Dragster. If you like wooden coasters then ride The Mean Streak. It's a really cool ride and usually not crowded.

    Alot of people will say ride the Millenium Force. And that is good, but I much prefer the Magnum. It may have a smaller hill, but for me it always seemed a tad bit scarier because of how slow you creep up the hill. You can see for miles out over the lake. The Millenium Force is a much smoother and quicker ascent to the top of the first hill.

  3. I only heard it was a great place, I wished I could go.  Have fun.  I am sure you will.  Good Luck with your Studies.

  4. i live 5 minutes away and i have rode everthing if you are looking for thrill rides defanatly ride top thrill dragster, melenium force, maverick. all great rides for gentler riders may i suggest the iron dragon, gemini, mean streak (in the middle section of scarienest) i hope u have fun it is a great place to be


  6. If you are staying at a CP hotel and can get in one hour early, do it. We have passes at always to at 9:00. Our routine is to hit Maverick first. Then we may go straight to Millennium since that also opens early. Dragster opens at 10:00. If you get in line for that by 9:30 most days, you will be one of the first to ride. Raptor opens at 9:00, and if we head there first, we can ride 5 times in 40 minutes!

  7. You should definitely ride Top Thrill Dragster, Millenium Force, and Maverick right when you get there. Lines for this are usually the longest. Next go to Magnum XL 200, Raptor, and Mantis. After that enjoy the rest of your day on whatever ride you like, in my advice. Here's a link to a website that shows all the coasters, their stats, and some good pictures. Here you go:

  8. Cedar Point is amazing.  We just got back from spending three days there.

    The rides we enjoy going on are Millenium Force (aka the Forcey ride), Blue Streak, Gemini, Sky Hawk, Magnum xl 200.  My son is not quite tall enough for Top Thrill Dragster and Maverick yet but they also look like they would be fun.

    Depending on how much time you have, you may want to also visit Soak City.  It is an extra charge, but they have a great selection of waterslides and other attractions.

  9. the most insane rides there are the Top Thrill Dragster, Maverick, and Mellenium Force. I definatly reccomend these rides if u love roller coasters! the lines are long but its worth the wait! the Mean Streak and Blue Streak are cool ones, too! The Wildcat makes me dizzy but it's fun lol. oh, and the corkscrews awesome, too

    u shouldnt go on the Iron Dragon. its looks like fun, but it was just a waste of my time. i didnt scream like on the other coasters, but i just said an unconvincing "whee" on there and that was it. just isnt much fun.

    oh and if u get hot, try going on something like Snake River Falls. u get SOAKED but my friend says to not go on it too late. go while the suns still out and when its still hot outside. if u go too late you'll be freezing cold!

  10. Don't forget to visit nearby Cleveland and see the Rock and Roll Hall fo Fame. Also visit the Hard Rock Cafe.

  11. 1) The Maverick- BEST THING I'VE EVER RODE!

    2) The Millienium- 2nd best!

    3) Top Thrill Dragster- 3rd best.

    4) Wicked Twister- it's pretty amazing too.

    The rest of the stuff its alright but you have to ride these. I'm 13 and i rode just about everything. Disaster Transport and Demon Drop are REALLY not worth the wait. The Magnum is pretty good but it whips your head around a lot. The Raptor is good too but i rode it after getting sick so it wasnt so fabulous. Mantis is fun but i rode it when i hadnt eaten all day and it was 90 degrees and IT WHIPS YOUR HEAD AROUND REALLY BAD. it made me pass out. but i did ride it before when i was okay and it was cool and it was pretty cool.

    HAVE FUN! i know i did! :]  

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