
Can anyone tell me the average time it takes to fall pregnant after Fallopian tube removal?

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sorry after one side was removed i know you cant get pregnant without any tubes




  1. If you had your tubes removed, you cannot get pregnant anymore. Its the fallopian tubes that your eggs use to travel to your uterus.


    I had one tube removed and I am polycystic on my other ovary so basically I was told I am sterile (which for me is ok, I didn't want kids anyway). You should have your doctor run some fertility tests.

  2. 999 Years !

  3. I have one tube and ovary and we have been ttc for three months.  The drs told me that we are just like everyone else.  It will happen when it does.  Average couples could take up to a year to get pregnant.  With my son I had both tubes and ovaries and it took us 8 mnths.  We BD everyother day, and it still took that long.  I would start using OPK's to detect when you are ovulating so you can time it right it should really help.  I wish you lots of baby dust!! And don't listen to anyone who tells you that it will take a lot longer because you have onw tube.  If that tube is in working order you will be just fine.  The tube you do have will just take over all the responsibility.

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