
Can anyone tell me the comparisons between Satan and the Son of God in chapters 1-4?

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Im sorry. I am reading the book Paradise Lost and i am having to compare Satan and the Son of God.




  1. Are you referring to Scripture? Which Gospel are you referring to?

  2. In Job 1:6 it says the sons of God (angels in some translations) which included Satan, presented themselves before the throne of the LORD.  In Job 38:4-7 it says angels are described as "morning stars"and are called the sons of God and were there at the time of the creation of man.

    At the time of Jesus' birth the angel Gabriel announced that Mary would bear a child who is the Son of the Most High God and who would be named Jesus.-- Luke 1.  This is a title given to Jesus also.

      In John 11:21-27  Christ spoke to Martha of the resurrection and was asked who she believed he was. In answer she said, "Yes, I do believe you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world."  See also Luke 22:66-70 where at the time of his arrest, when questioned, Christ admitted to being the Son of Man and the Son of God.

    Comparing Satan to Jesus, the one son of God, Satan, rebelled against God and lost his privileged position as the cherub overseeing the garden of Eden.-- Gen 3:24.

    The prophet Ezekiel is also called by the title as the son of man.  In chapter 28 symbolic language is given to show how Satan is prefigured like the king of Tyre who lost his position.

    Christ Jesus on the other hand the Son of Man and Son of God proved his loyalty until death and always bought honor to his Father.

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