
Can anyone tell me the positive social, economic, environmental impacts volcanoes does? thanks! ?

by  |  earlier

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err.. i will need real life examples. the best is give me a website about it thanks!! i will appreciate your help greatly!! =)




  1. Social - contribution to religion of people's living near them, ex. Hawaii/Pele

    Economic - fuels tourist economy. Ex.: In Costa Rica they give tours of many volcanoes, there is a luxury resort in Arenal

    Environmental - builds land Ex. Hawaii is entirely formed by volcanic activity, nourishes the soil Ex. Coffee farming made possible in Costa Rica due to volcanic soils.

  2. Benefits of Volcano Monitoring Far Outweigh Costs—The Case of ... - [ Traducir esta página ]A two-page color fact sheet about the benefits of volcano monitoring surrounding the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo.  

    Benefits of Volcanoes - BENEFITS OF VOLCANOES. Volcanoes do a lot of damage, but there are advantages connected to volcanoes. As an example, new land masses are formed. ...

    CVO Menu - The Plus Side of Volcanoes - "It should be emphasized that the short-term hazards posed by volcanoes are balanced by benefits of volcanism and related processes over geologic time. ...  

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