
Can anyone tell me what Jim Rome said on his show about LeBron going to NY and why?

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I missed his show that day. But, people I know filled me in on it. I also heard a "transplant" from Cleveland called in and agreed with him. But, I disagree just because someone doesn't put their city on their Top 10 List doesn't mean you don't like it. It might mean that you found other cities to be more appealing or exotic. To base LeBron leaving on the cities he picked to me was ridiculous. Why no one mentioned him going to the Wizards, the Mavs, or the Lakers and Clippers in 2010? It's not a given he'll stay in C-Town, but don't give idiotic reports out to the national public or Cleveland fans. That's doing everyone a disservice. Give me the truth, not gimmicks.




  1. the media all says one thing about lebron. they say that he going to the nets. why? because the nets are moving to brooklyn in 2010. and that is lebron's favorite place. Brooklyn and all of NYC. but i don't know. by the way the Cavs are screwed if they lose Lebron.

  2. He said "Yo"

  3. Lebron is probly going to go to NY because he is now Jay-Z's ****** and thats where Jay-Z wants him

  4. I use to value what Jim Rome had to say and felt it had substance. I thought he was calling Bingo at your local VFW?

  5. Lebron said his 5 Favorite Cities Were:

    1. New York

    2. Washington DC

    3. Los Angeles

    4. Dallas

    5. Akron

    He's as good as gone from "The Mistake by the Lake"

  6. I missed the show today, too, for some reason they radio station thought we would rather listen to a WNBA game, boo!

    Do you have Streamlink?  It doesn't cost very much, you can listen to it for yourself.  I don't have it right now, but have had it in the past on more than one occasion.


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