
Can anyone tell me what Scotland is like?

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I've always wanted to know what it's like there. The cities, weather, seasons, people... everything. One day I plan to visit or live there, but I feel disconnected for now, living in Canada and all. Please, tell me everything.




  1. Scotland is very diverse, with lowland, mountains, villages and cities, and all in between too.

    And there are the remote islands.

    Living in Scotland will be like most places in the world that have a like landscape or remoteness.

    Life in Edinburgh and Glasgow will not be that much different from living in Toronto or Vancouver.

    You get up in the morning, hurry to work, come home to dinner and the TV and go to bed till it is time for work again.

    If you live on a remote farm in the mountains in Scotland or on one of the smaller islands, it will be much like living on a remote farm in Canada or on one of the smaller islands of Canada.

    The main difference will be the language.

    Even when they speak English, some Scots are hard to understand. And some speak a different language, and that will be hard to learn, (but not impossible, I am told.)

    Weather, cold and wet in winter, mild and wet in Summer, grey skies round the year. But with unexpected periods of nice weather. Much like the west coast of Canada, to tell you truth.

    People are diverse, although in the remote areas you will find many silent people, who will not say two words where one will do, but that is the same in Canada again.

    Learn to love where you live, otherwise you will feel lost all your life.

    As a friend who changed countries says (free quote), while the grass will always seem greener overthere, it still needs mowing.

  2. like Wales ,Rhode Island

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