
Can anyone tell me what are going to be some good Wii games that are going to come up?

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Like give me a list of future Wii games or a website, i don't care. (no free wii advertisements please, thank you)




  1. Great ones now are

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Super Smash Bros Brawl

    Mario Party 8

    Mario Kart

    Future ones


    new Mario Game and Zelda are in the works, probably still a year away

  2. why not check ign? there are news and previews in there.. try looking Latest Wii Updates. check the ratings if their good then buy it. best games are like mario,or anything that had been rated high for past.

    if i helped you please visit my blog

  3. I think the best wii game that are going to be released is Guitar hero world tour it is going to be released on october 28

  4. Animal Crossing City Folk is what I'm most looking forward to.

  5. Hi Zack. I don't think Wii has a really good Fall 08 - Winter 08 lineup. I'm pretty much looking foward to Wario Land Shake, simply because I really want to try it out (and it's Wario Land, lol) and Wii Sports 2 (Beach Theme?), mainly because my family, LOOOOOVVVED the first one.

    I went on IGN yesterday and the most popular game was Tiger Woods 09 O_o. 2nd most popular was Super Mario Sluggers. [To me, it's basially a remake of the firs one, with very few changes. Let's just say that if you're comfortable buying Madden games over and over again, you'll be fine getting Super Mario Sluggers. Or if you're looking for a simple and fun party game...I got it for friends and family love this kind of stuff.] I think Nintendo is holding back BIIIIIIIG time since they're making lots of money off of big time games such as...oh, I don't know...Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Sluggers, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart Wii, and last but not least...The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It's almost been 2 FULL years and people are still buying and talking about Zelda: TP. All I can say is this: WHOOOOOA. I've got to wonder though, where in the world are the other big time titles, like...well let's think really hard about this...Kirby, Star Fox, and F-Zero? Honestly, there's a lot of love to Mario on the Wii, but not so much for those three. (I think he's already got about 10 games, give or take, just counting Wii games alone. That's right, not even counting VC. I get the whole Mascot thing, but really...10 Mario games and no Kirby? WTF from me.) I hear Animal Crossing's coming up in November (yay), but that's it really. all we have for this year to really get into is:

    - Wario Land Shake (September 29)

    - Mushroom Men (I have no idea about it really O_o November 11)

    - Animal Crossing (November 16)

    - Sonic Unleashed (Doubt it'll be any good at all...November 18)

    - Tomb Raider: Underworld (Also November 18...Wtf?)

    - Wii Music (...No comment...November 11)

    - Wii Chess (Woooooooooow...TBA 2008...just wow...)

    ...And that's basically it. This end of the year is basically garbage for Wii owners. I'm somewhat much for Christmas, huh? Oh well. Next year is another year:

    - Wii Sports 2: Wii Sports Resorts (TBA 2009) {Beach Theme XD}

    ...Well...I guess Kirby can hang around on the DS for a while longer...

    - Kirby: Super Star Ultra (DS! September 29)

    Yeah...that's it really. Hope this helps! Here's to Wii 2009. Maybe we'll see some better titles when the Brawl Hype dies. See you later!

  6. lol about the free wii ads.

    ok. i was watching Nintendo's SHOW THINGY and it wasn't very good. There aren't any good games coming out in a while,

  7. Animal crossing and wario land the shake up are the too I'm really excited about other ones like sports and the price is right are coming out soon check they should have some highlighted that come out soon

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