
Can anyone tell me what cabins on the "Sea Diamond" were ruptured of when it hit the reef?

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My wife and I were on the Sea Diamond from March 23rd to the morning of March 26th. We were on the lowest deck , #2, and from the television pictures it looked as though the ship was listing to the starboard side, but I am curious as to whether it would have been our cabin that was breached. Please only respoond if you know for a certainity where the hole in the hull was.





  1. Cabin 22-07

  2. Nearly 1,600 people, including 60 Canadian high school students, were rescued from a sinking Greek cruise ship on Thursday.

    Rescued passengers climb down from the Sea Diamond cruise ship to a waiting lifeboat near Santorini, Greece, on Thursday.

    (Associated Press) The 143-metre boat, known as the Sea Diamond, hit rocks off the coast off the Greek island of Santorini and began filling with water at about 4 p.m. local time.

    No one was injured, but the rescue took more than three hours.

    "Water was up to their knees," said Glenda Metro of Tofield, Alta., whose daughter was on the boat.

    "A door blew off and almost hit one of the girls."

    Metro, who spoke to her daughter by telephone shortly after the accident, said her daughter and her classmates were not injured.

    "The evacuation began almost immediately and all the students have been safely removed from the boat," principal Terrence Quinn said from Montreal.

    "They are all on the island of Santorini and they are together as a group in the company of teachers."

    During the rescue, many of the boat's 1,200 passengers and 400 crew members were forced to climb down rope ladders to rescue vessels. The ship was listing at a 12 degree angle at the time.

    Rescue difficult, official says

    More than a dozen ships were involved in the rescue, along with six navy rescue helicopters, two military transport planes and four warships.

    "With a ship this size, it's like dealing with a 12-storey building," said Manolis Kefaloyiannis, Greece's merchant marine minister. "It's a difficult operation."

    He said the rescue went well.

    "The ship was evacuated quickly and successfully," he said. "No one had as much as a nose bleed. Thankfully, we avoided something much worse at Easter time."

    The passengers, most of them American, were taken by ferry and small boats to the island's main port. Greece's tourism minister, Fani Palli Petralia, said arrangements have been made to lodge the rescued passengers in Santorini hotels.

    They will return to Athens on chartered ships early Friday.

    After the passengers were rescued, tugboats pulled the cruise ship free from the rocks. The extent of the damage to the ship was not disclosed

  3. Zante deck

    cat B

    cabin 2010

    front right side, 5th cabin from  sauna

    on the plan there are cabins with the same numbers on both sides (misprint ).

    the cabin of French people is originaly on the right side of the ship

  4. The lower deck No 2 was fludded and 2 French passengers are missing (father aged 45 and daughter 16). His wife reported their absence almost 5 hours after the evacuation was completed.

    Divers went inside the sinking ship an hour before the ship sunk (risking their lives) but found nothing.

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