
Can anyone tell me what caps are??

by  |  earlier

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ok yesturday the dentist drilled 2 of my teeth and put some kind of s***w in their but one of my teeth he made really small and its grossing me out with the caps will the tooth look better? also he took sum kind of clays sample of my teeth could this be a good sign????




  1. i think caps are when they have to drill so far down, that the fake stuff they put in might crack or sumtin like that and a cap is supposed to keep it from that, but dont rely on my info, its just what i heard my dentist sayin, but not sure

  2. wait you didnt ask him what the heck he was doing. omg. yeah they will look good. and a few of my friends said they will shift so make sure they are cemented or 'screwed in'. you know permanent.

    just think of anna nicole!  

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