
Can anyone tell me what i would need to put on a c.v to send to acting agencies

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And also what kind of photos should i send,and do i have enough experience to apply to an agent ?.I've only been in school plays,and i studied performing arts at college,and i have been a member of a couple of local theatre groups.I havent done any work for film and tv yet,but that is what i am hoping to do obviously.I would really appreciate any advice.




  1. They tend to be format as such:

    At the top - your name (and stage name, if you have one). If you are an equity member, put your membership no at the top.  They also want your playing age (not your real age, just how old you can get away with e.g. Playing Age: 16-25, etc).  Also, your height, ethnicity, weight, natural hair colour (in brackets "currently dyed blonde", etc if applicable), and eye colour. Also list your native language and accent, and then also a list of accents/languages you are able to speak convincingly.  ALSO - remember to put your contact details at the top! Address, telephone, email, mobile number.

    Next section is where you list your most relevant roles and performances, in reverse chronological order.  Start by putting the date, the venue, the title of the production, and then the name of the part you played.  Write number of performances you were in, if applicable. Don't worry if it's only amateur stuff, it still all counts.

    Next section would be to list any professional/relevant training you've had, e.g. Any performing arts courses, any special courses, dance qualifications, etc.  You can put academic qualifications here too, but don't dedicate too much space to them, unless it's a BA in Performing Arts or something.

    Next section is where you put down any special skills you may have (Under the heading of "Other") e.g. Champion Horse rider; ice skater, martial arts expert, etc.  

    If you have any testemonies from impressive people, send copies of those as well. It could be a reference from your drama teacher, or a recommendation from one of the directors of a show you did, anything like that.  Also, if you've had any good reviews about the shows you've been in, where they mention you by name, send them too, although try to make it look professional.

    Also, you have to send a colour photograph too.  Try to get a headshot done, rather than using a holiday snap.  The headshot need not be professional, just of a good quality. See here for examples:

    Then send them off!  You can find lists of agents by doing a google search - I found this list: though not sure how reputable it is!  

    Good luck!


  2. What you 'cannot' do as an actor!

  3. Some kind of lie about your acting experience would be good. Oh, and the obligatory lie about A levels!!

  4. Your CV includes all the plays you have been in, because that's what they wantto know about.

    Surely at college or in the theatre groups you must have been in some things, well that's what goes on the CV

  5. t

    heres CVs for actors here you can use the info from them...i think they also ask for a head shot and a full size shot of you--dunno if they want it black and white or colour....hope that helps :))

  6. most agencies require experience, but some dont..

    you are a member of a group which is good..

    on your cv put what shows you have done, workshops..  what drama club you go to.. how long you have been doing it..

    And for the photos.. usually a head shot and a full body shot do..

    the head shot is more important though

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