
Can anyone tell me what is examined in "Calass 3" medical for PPL?

by Guest64456  |  earlier

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I am 31 and loved flying ever since I was 4. Unfortunately, I never chased my long lasting dream, so now I am exploring the possibilities. I know I have to do Medical Examination for PPL, but what is examined in there? I am quite concerned with my weight, I am 130kg and 1.8m tall. Other than that, all else is OK with me.





  1. to know the exact requirements check out:

  2. Basic :eye's, blood pressure, general exam.

    They want to be sure you won't pass out & have no gross disability.

    If you're generally in good health, not to worry..

  3. For my Class 3 I had the following:

    Chest X-Ray with report write up

    ECG with report write up

    Eye test

    Colour Blind Test

    Depth Perception

    Hearing test

    Urine test

    Blood Pressure Test

    General Examination by the ATO doctor

    Dental examination

    Hope this helps

  4. It is a simple exam. I always precede mine with one with my regular doctor every two years. I also avoid seeing my regular doctor and that has a bonus of better health. I will not take a prescription drug of any kind. Just a personal belief.

    The hearing test is simply carrying on a normal converstion. An audiometer test is not required for Third Class.

    My Medical Examiner uses an optical machine for the eye test and not an eye chart. I dislike the machine. You look into it and see little donuts. Each donut has a bite out of it You have to identify which 45 Degree segment of the donut has a bite out of it. I always go to my opthamologist and get a new eysight prescription about a month before I go for the flight physical.

    Be prepared to state all medications you take, all ailments which have been diagnosed. You will also be told to state all visits to health care providers that you have made since your last flight physical and the results of those visits. You must identify the physician and his location of practice. Prepare yourself for this and keep a copy of your notes.

    Good luck. The physical itself is otherwise rather superficial.

    A good  reference is: "The Pilot's Medical Advisor." by Ian Fries, M.D.


    Get a personal copy of it and keep it! I believe that every pilot should own a copy of this book.

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