I had a dream that I was at a psychic show and at the end I was approached by the psychic's assistant who told me that it was urgent that I meet with the psychic after the show he said that she felt compelled to meet with me. I waited untill the audience left and the woman and her male companion came out of a lift she had the most amazing huge pale blue eyes, her hair was silver. I felt afraid that she was going to tell me something bad. I asked her if she was but she smiled and shook her head to say no she never spoke a word to me,she directed me to stand in the middle of the floor, where we both stood about two foot apart facing each other I felt as iat this point as if we were in some kind of church or ancient auditorium. She stood in front of me and stared at me, I felt a vibrating sensation begin in my feet and this sensation moved up my legs it was totally overwhelming. I felt as if there was pure love and energey coming from this woman allthough I couldnt see light I felt as if there was light coming from her eyes it was such a strange feeling. As the vibrating sensation moved upwards to my body I felt my arms lift from my side and raise upwards i had no control over myself. I felt this immense feeling of pure energy around ust he vibrations became stronger and was nearly too much for me to bear as it moved up my body. I woke up just at the point where I felt I could take no more. I did not feel as if I was under threat I felt that whatever was happening was good. Im not sure what this meant. Can anyone help me with the meaning of this very strange dream.