
Can anyone tell me what my dream means??

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Can anyone give me any insite on what this dream means?? It was very weird:

Ok I'll make it the short version because it seemed to go on forever; I was at the shopping centre and this old woman with bright red hair came up to me. She looked at my nose really funny and commented on it. Then she starting talking to me about all this crazy stuff and veered of subject.

She said that I was in a coma and my whole life had been a dream, the people that I know and everything I have done have been fake. She said that I can either stay in this coma with all the people that I love or I can wake up and experience reality. I chose to stay in the coma and then I woke up.

What the h**l does all this mean?




  1. Maybe there is something you wanted to do with your life but didn't want to take the chance at because it was outside your comfort zone, and your dream/brain is trying to tell you to go ahead and live a little. As the great Eric Cartman once said, "Whateva, I do what I want."

  2. Some people say what happened in our dreams is the opposite of the reality.  Then, you choose to be in a coma.  So, when you wake up, everything is back to normal. There is a message behind this. As the message goes, your pathway is your own choice and you don't have to regret it.

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