
Can anyone tell me what nbsp stands for? It shows up on my friends email. I have no clue what it is.?

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Can anyone tell me what nbsp stands for? It shows up on my friends email. I have no clue what it is.?




  1. Nbsp stands for Non-breaking Space. When you code HTML (the language of Internet Explorer), you can put as many spaces into a program as you want, but if you want more than one to show up, you must either add the <pre> tag to tell it to format the text as is, or "nbsp;" to let it know that you want another space there.

    You're probably only seeing it because there was some error with the display.

  2. Non-breaking space.  It's probably an HTML error.  NBSP is used when you don't want the browser to split two words at the end of a line.

  3. It's html for a space.

  4. The question is more why nbsp; is there rather than what it is.  It has suddenly started showing up in e-mail sent to a Yahoo Group from a YahooMail account.  It makes reading postings difficult and irritates other users.  It seems to have started about a month ago.  I suspected it was a problem either with Internet Explorer or Yahoo Groups, but now it is starting to show up in e-mails sent to other users.  It appears to affect Web-based e-mail engines.  The fact that it affects only some e-mails and only some users and does not happen predictably is driving some users nuts at this point.

  5. actually there is nothing like nbsp, the actual thing is  

    In HTML ( Hyper Text Markup Language ) or .html pages....

    if we want to put a space between two character or word or anywhere then we can put it as  

    And In your friend's email i think & was missed for typing, that's why it shows nbsp in place of SPACE.

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