
Can anyone tell me what rowing mashine I should buy ?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to buy a rowing mashine for home use , but there are so many different onse and I am somewhat confused. The best one seems to be concept 2 but they are rather expensive. Can anyone recommend a mashine which is good and not so expensive?




  1. go to this site

    take the test

    it will say which one is best for you

    don't worry about the other answers

    I know that rowing takes up ones life and we don't have time to worry about other things LOL!

  2. Concept2 machines are pretty much the best out there.  They do the best job of replicating the feel/motions of real, on-water rowing - that's why just about every rowing team/boathouse uses them.  You might not think that you care about duplicating what "real" rowing feels like, but there's a reason rowing is considered one of the best all-body workouts.  

    One of the other posters suggested seeing if there is anyone local selling a used machine.  My parents bought a lightly-used Concept2 several years ago dirt cheap (about half of what it would have cost new).  The trick is to look in the Classified section of the paper and places like that.  Believe me, you'll be happier with a better machine and more likely to use it.  My parents used to have a "LifeRower" and I couldn't stand it - granted, I used to row in college, so maybe I'm overly picky but I didn't feel like it gave me anywhere near the workout of the Concept2.

    Good luck.

  3. mashine?????

  4. concept 2 definitely, and don't get one with water resistance as apposed to air, because you cannot adjust water!

  5. You need a spell checker mate not a rowing machine.

  6. One that teaches you how to spell machine.

  7. A concept2 erg is expensive but well worth the price. Though if you live near a boathouse try seeing if any members are selling their erg. Generally you can get a good concept2 erg for a much lower price.

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