
Can anyone tell me what the Packers did to make Favre want to be traded other than putting him as back up QB.

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Something happened? WHAT? Please tell me.




  1. There are 3 sides to every story.  The three sides are Packers, Favre's, and the truth

  2. This whole thing is because Favre no longer wants to play for the Packers. McCarthy actually COACHED him to a better season last year and he doesn't like it.

    He pulled this stunt in hopes they would get tired of his c**p and release him so he could play for the Vikings (where he could get his way with everything.)

    Favre is a snake in the grass. He caused the team to lose the NFC championship game last year.

    And since the Superbowl loss he has done nothing for the TEAM. He is only worried about his own records and statistics.

    What matters to EVERY team in the NFL is Superbowl victories.

    Favre cannot deliver one. If he could he would have done so last season!

    This is the best thing the Packers could do!

  3. He was insulted by the offer to play back up....and I don't blame him

  4. They were trying to move on, they have to give Aaron Rodgers a chance. It's not fair to him that Favre has nothing to do at home and wants to come back.

    I mean how would any normal person like it, if their manager retired and you got promoted. Then he realizes that their is nothing for him being retired and he comes back and you lose your promotion.

    Anybody remember a backup QB who probably would have still been one, had not Drew Bledsoe got hurt. How long before he would get his start. Tom Brady came out gunning after Bledose was injured and the Patriots never looked back. Just cause they are backups, doesn't mean they are bad.

  5. Favre used to be a hero to me as well as several other now he's just made me not like him anymore. :( Bad Favre !

  6. He claims that the Packers planted too many stories about him that he cannot get over the hurt.  Truthfully, I don't think anyone really knows what happened in Green Bay.  I think this has been poorly managed from the beginning and Ted Thompson should be fired for his p**s poor management practices. Enough of your big ego Ted. He needs to get over himself already!

  7. i don't know but it was weird  

  8. There is some part of ths story that is missing.  I don't know what the Packers did to Favre.   But they did something.    If he goes to the Bucs like it sounds I hope he beats the c**p out of them.   Packers are so incredibly stupid.    Just threw away a possible superbowl...All you have to do is look at how the broncos imploded to see what happens when you do something stupid....Really smart thinking guys.........But thats football team management don't know what the h**l they are doing..............GO BUCS!

  9. They simply did not welcome him back with open arms, at the drop of a hat, and bow down to him and his demands.  And I say ... good for the Packers ... no one player is bigger than the team.  I've been sick and tired of this whole "Brett Farve might retire this year" that has been going on for the last few years.  Finally the guy retires and now wants to come back???  My goodness!

  10. 1. Hired current coach, instead of Steve Mariuchi

    2. Did not work hard enough to sign Randy Moss

    3. Did not protect two members of O-Line when Favre wanted them to

    4. Did not cater to his whimsical "maybe I'll retire" talk the past two seasons

    5. Did not offer to insert him immediately into the lineup when he pondered revoking his retirement

    6. Did not give in, when he approached them for unconditional release

    7. Did not give in, when he decided he wanted to be the starter again

    I wonder if he gives his kids everything they want. At some point he needs to be a professional and an adult and make a decision and stick to it. As far as I'm concerned, his legacy is a joke.

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