
Can anyone tell me what the average wage of an agricultural worker was in 1954.?

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Can anyone tell me what the average wage of an agricultural worker was in 1954.?




  1. $3.36

  2. In Ontario we were seeing many unskilled urban workers earning 60 cents per hour, while farm labor was getting $3 to $4 per day, with a typical day being 12 hours. Ontario at that time did not have a significant farm labor group, other than owners and family members, and it was illegal to form a union of farm workers, there was no minimum wage.

    Because Ontario had strong urban demand for workers in most of those years, few people would stay in farm labor for long. We had immigrants who came in promising to do farm work but they mostly went looking for city work within a few months.

  3. what country?

    I am sure the wage in Canada was different than in Chile

  4. I feel I am well qualified to answer this question. In 1954 in the Salt River Valley of Phoenix Arizona, thousands of irrigated acres grew produce for shipment to the eastern markets during the winter months. Mexican, White, and Black farm workers worked side by side picking lettuce,green onions,and citrus. Their was no age limit and the worker was paid by the "Crate" of produce picked and carried to the trucks. My brother and I picked and loaded the crates while my mother and father carried the full crates to the trucks near the row. Payment was daily sun up to sun down. All us working could make $10-$12/day or $60-$70/week. Farm irrigators were paid $0.35-40/hr. I liked those days as rent was$15/month and gas was $0.19/gal

  5. Date  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   Min. Wage Basic .   .   . Hours  

    Oct 1953 - Sep 1954 .    .   .   .   .    ÃƒÂ‚£6/0/0  .   .   .   .   .   .   .    .   47.0

    Oct 1954 - Sep 1955  .    .   .   .   .   £6/4/10.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .                  47.0  

    Figures are given in pounds/shillings/pence

    The figures are the national minimum wages under the Corn Production (Repeal) Act 1921, and the Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Acts 1924 and 1940.

  6. A farmer--that would be about 0 --par--breaking even. Most seemed to be in it for the land investment--with the hopes that owning property long term would reap great financial benefits.

  7. in india the production was not enough to give wealth to farmers so labours  were given rough grain in wage . begar or free tradition was in existence. the govt. records r not actual

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