
Can anyone tell me what this candle centerpiece thing is about?

by  |  earlier

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I have a piece i found in my grandmother's house, its made out of brass or bronze and its what looks like 10 dutch girls holding hands in a circle and a small candle holder at the joint of each of their hands. You can take the tiny candle holders out of their hands and the girls come apart. They are very heavy and i was wondering if this was a traditional piece or what. The girls measure about 2 1/2" high.




  1. You someone who used to work in antique shops-I have no idea what you've got...If you want some one to tell you the value of a piece--you have to let them LOOK at it. Not a picture on line either--they have to hold it--turn it over-look at the bottom of it-see the company name-see it's detail. You may have described it very well-but without seeing it I can't tell from here if it's new, original, antique or  just a reproduction. You may have something valuable-or not. There's specific detail that identify some things as a reproduction that a practiced eye can see. But not on line. Find an appraiser if you have need to know.

    It may be a friendship candle ring-or Christmas-or birthday-or just for pretty. An antique shop dealer may not want to be forth coming--you need an appraiser.

  2. I think this has to do with an old dutch friendship tradition - it's a frendship ring where each girl lights her candle from the other as you recite the "friendship" motto until all candles are lit.  I remember something like this from the girl scouts.  Hope this helps.

  3. does antique road show have a site where you could take a pic and get it appraised or take it to a local antique shop. It sounds cool.

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