
Can anyone tell me what this poem is about? cancion primera by miguel hernandez; forgive me for poor markup?

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se ha retirado el campo

al ver abalanazarse

crispadamente al hombre.

que abismo entre el olivo

y el hombre se descubre!

el animal que canta:

el animal que puede

llorar y echar raices

rememoro sus garras.

garras que revestia

de suavidad y flores,

pero que, al fin, desnuda

en toda su crueldad.

crepitan en mis manos.

aparta de ellas, hijo.

estoy dispuesto a hundirlas,

dispuesto a proyectarlas,

sobre tu carne leve.

he regresado al tigre.

aparta o te destrozo.

hoy el amor es muerte,

y el hombre acecha al hombre

i can make out a rough translation, but this is a little more abstract than what we've been working on so far. it's a little confusing to me...




  1. The poem is inspired by the Spanish civil war.

    The poet feels disappointed about man, and he hates him. He feels disapproval towards him who destroys everything around him; this can been seen in verses such as :“se ha retirado el campo/ al ver abalanzarse/ crispadamente al hombre”(the poet is worried to see that man has ruined the countryside). Because of this and other causes, he expresses great contempt towards those of his own species. He thinks that instead of doing good and worthy deeds, man is doing all the opposite, and is causing the destruction of his environment and his own species.

    It is not much but I hope it helps you a little.

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