
Can anyone tell me what this quotes means?

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I'm doing an essay about a topic and my topic is forgiveness vs. vengeance. In the essay we have to put a quote and i chose

"there is no revenge so complete as forgiveness" by josh billings. Can anyone help me understand that quote more?




  1. it means instead of getting revenge on someone forgive them instead, do you get it?

  2. There is a quote on a similar theme in the Bible:  

    "If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;

           if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.

    In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,

           and the LORD will reward you. "

    Proverbs 25:21-22

    In other words, if someone does something to hurt you...they expect bad in return!  They want to see you angry.  They expect you to be vengeful.  They want to see you fret and fume.  Forgiveness frees you from that and robs them of their power.

  3. it means like....ok..... say u have a evil sister and she strts a rumor about u that u hate really bad it means that u shouldn't get revenge on her just try to forgive her..... get it now?

  4. If you want to take revenge on somebody, you forgive the bad action of the person, then the act of revenge is accomplished.

  5. If you are seeking revenge, the person you want to hurt is actually controlling your actions.  Your thoughts will be about that person and about how your actions could affect that person.

    If you forgive the person, he no longer has any power over you or the actions you choose to take.  You will take the actions that are best for you and you will not waste any more thoughts on the other person,

  6. Its just like forgive and forget.

    Only small minded people do revenge .

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