
Can anyone tell me what this says, it is in french?

by  |  earlier

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si je comprend bien il me faut prendre une assurance pour envoyé le colis donc c'est ok je la prend indiquée moi la somme à payé dès que sa ne dépasse pas $50 sinon je préfère que vous me remboursé.





  1. If I understands well it is necessary for me to take an assurance for sent the package therefore this is ok I takes it indicated me the sum to paid as soon as his does not surpass $50 otherwise I prefer that you reimbursed me.  coordinalement

    yes it is in french

  2. Hello,If I understand well, I have to take a insurance for getting the packet, it's alright that I take the sum for paying when it is not over 50 $ if not I like that you pay me back.


  3. Hello,

    If I understand well I need an insurance for the package. So it's alright, I'll take it if it's not more than $50, If not, I'd like you to pay me back.

    it was not a really good french because of the punctuation, so I changed it a little bit to make more sence.

  4. Hello!!!

    I'm not very nice but what you've written in french makes me laugh!!!!

    The end above all!

    Ok, my english is not VERY good....

    You can laugh as much as you want!!

    But it's not "coordinalement" but "cordialement" (cordially).

    But maybe it's the one who sent you this who don't know to write in french...

  5. Good day,

    If I understand correctly it's necessary for me to get insurance to send the package. This is fine if the sum does not surpass $50.00. Otherwise, I would prefer that you reimbursed me.


  6. Hi,

    if I understood well, I need to take an insurance to send the good(s). This is OK for me if it don't exceed 50 us Just let me know the exact sum for it. If the sum exceed 50 us I´m not interested just send my money back.


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