
Can anyone tell me what to expect in the weather in Cancun, Mexico. I will be there next week?

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Can anyone tell me what to expect in the weather in Cancun, Mexico. I will be there next week?




  1. I hear the weather will be terrible, 2 hurricanes are coming through there. Your best bet would be to mail me your tickets and let me go down there and suffer it for you.

  2. The link below will lead you to a 10 day forecast for Cancun.

    (This question was answered by a Reference Librarian at the Stark County Library Canton, OH.  Please visit your local library.)

  3. very hot, bring the spf50.

  4. i think it's gonna be really hot

  5. Hot and humid. There are many short rain showers but then the sun comes assure the humidity stays high ;). There is usually a cool breeze blowing off the ocean most of the day.

    I feel there is never a bad time to visit paradise!

  6. Will be hot. 26 - 35° C more or less

  7. Very hot.

  8. The best place to check weather is here.

    The weather should be nice but humid. In the 80's. You will get some showers but they will pass quickly. In the tropics it always says showers.


  9. If you go into Google and type "Weather Cancum" you will get an instant weather report. Hope this helps.

  10. There are weather reports online as it has already been pointed out but I also wanted to mention that if you looked at these forecasts, no one would ever go to Cancun. From my experience that weather station at the airport will more often than not will report showers, chance of showers, chance of thunder showers and the weather turns out to be perfectly fine. (It's a tropical climate so when isn't there a chance of showers?)

    When it does rain, it's typically intense and short. Then right back to sunny.

    Yes, it's tropical so it's hot and can be humid but you're on the beach in a hammock drinking margaritas with a breeze off the ocean. Cancun has perfect weather for this sort of thing. Cancun was selected by the Mexican government for a resort location back in the 70's based on things like beaches, water, weather etc. The odds are that you will have beautiful weather.

    Here's some webcams so you can see the weather for yourself, don't rely on the forecast too much.

    Have a good trip

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