
Can anyone tell me what type of rabbit I have?

by  |  earlier

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It as white fur, red eyes, light grey ears, nose, and tail. Thanks :)




  1. Honestly it looks like a Rex or Californian. It doesn't however appear to be Albino. I had one just like yours and he was a Californian but the gray on the ears and nose was darker.

  2. ...VW

  3. a rampant rabbit sorry i couldnt resist

  4. im not sure sry

  5. It looks like a Florida White...

    (pics of a Florida White)

    Hope it helps...

  6. A white one. Albino, maybe?

  7. As far as the color, this is a blue or possibly lilac point bunny--looks a lot like a smoke pearl brittannia petite I used to have.  The dark points mean it isn't an albino.  It isn't clear how big your bunny is, or whether it's full grown?

  8. I'm guessing it's a Vienna white. Maybe it could be a Florida White or a Britannia Petite. But i'm pretty sure it's a Vienna White.

    Vienna White

    Origin: Austria. Sturdy. Weigh 8-12 lbs. 2 colours - Vienna Blue with dark, slate blue top colour &  lighter under colour & Vienna white.

    Pic of Vienna White

    Florida White

    Origin: Florida. Cross between Dutch, Polish & New Zealand White. Pure white. Rather short, rounded body. Weighs 4-6 lbs.

    Pic of a Florida White

    Britannia Petite

    Origin: Britain. Most common is the red-eyed white. Bad temperament. Unsuitable as children's pets. Come with blue & red eyes. Very short, fine hairs. Fly back coat. Weigh < 3 1/2 lbs.  white, black otter, black, blue, chocolate, chestnut agouti, sable marten. Sleek, silky coat. In USA, known as Britannia Petite.

    Pic of a Britannia Petite

    What ever breed it is it is really really cute :) I've been asking my dad to get me one for about a month now he says after we move.

  9. they r all the same 2 me

  10. Californian -Max. weight - 10 1/2 pounds


    Himalayan -Max. weight - 4 1/2 pounds

    Depending on the size. The grey color is really called blue and it can darken as the rabbit ages. You can check out breed pictures here.

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