
Can anyone tell me where I can buy a platform?

by  |  earlier

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valance king size with a 16in frill in Glasgow?

I have been looking and cant find one anywhere

becoming desperate now btw I want a cream one.




  1. bensons for beds think they have bedding, harry cory at braehead maybe

    try argos as well they have a whole range

  2. Have you looked around online? Most places will do deliveries to Glasgow. Here is something that I found that might be appropriate

    If not search the other shops online

  3. Suzie have you considered hiring a carpenter to build the platform for your king size bed in the room itself!   Might be cheaper than a ready-made one - as for the frill, try contacting  a fabric store as they usually know a lot of seamstresses!     GOOD LUCK!


  4. I would love to come to Glasgow and help you look. Hope you find what you are looking for.   Poppy

  5. Is this the same as a bed skirt?   It either goes between the mattress and box spring or it is tacked along the outer edge of the box spring and drapes to the floor.  My guess is that this is what you want.  If you have catalogs with bed linen furnishings, such as Blair here in America, then they might have something.

    Good luck.

  6. Could you give more details. I think you are asking about a Bedspread.When I hear platform I'm thinking shoes for some reason

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