
Can anyone tell me where I can buy leylandii aphids as I wish to put some on my neigbours 50' monsters?

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Can anyone tell me where I can buy leylandii aphids as I wish to put some on my neigbours 50' monsters?




  1. Road salt, put it round the base of the tree that should attract the aphids you require   good luck

  2. I know that having these monster hedges can be a real pain but what you are proposing is illegal and certainly not very neighbourly. I assume you have approached your neighbour and discussed the situation with him If as you say they are 50' high can I suggest you take some photographs of the hedges from different angles how they affect your home and then write a letter to your local authority you should keep a folder with all the paperwork re: the hedges. Your local authority has new laws in which to deal with this and can take action.If you carry out your wish to damage the trees by whatever means you could be charged with criminal damage and therefore not the way to deal with this annoying problem. best of luck.

  3. I know where you're coming from. I have a whole row of leylandii just feet away from my rear wall, and another  row of the same height just over the lane at the front. The rear ones blot out the morning sun and the front ones the evening sun (when we get any). I think if anyone with a bit of business acumen could get hold of these marvellous aphids they would make millions. I've seen the dead vile leylandii things on the news this morning, I think they are a fire hazard and the owners should be forced to cut  them down. I hope some daft clever sod doesn't go and invent a cure.

  4. The chain saw variety, can be purchased at B&Q.

  5. If they encroach onto your garden you can lop the bits on your side.  If you lop into the old wood it won't grow back though, and you will be left with bare wood.

    Haven't heard of anything that kills these pests.  You should have to get planning permission before you can plant one.

  6. There's not much that kills leylandii.  You could cut off a ring of bark round the main trunk - but they'd know who'd dunnit.  And CSI would force you to confess.

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