
Can anyone tell me where flies would build their nests.?

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I have had quite a lot of them in my home for the past two days, and they seem to be mainly at my kitchen door which leads outside. I have checked in cupboards etc but I can't find where they are coming from. Any advice would be appreciated.




  1. Most come from outdoors.   fly spray,  papers and insecutors  all work to an extent  

  2. flies, like the house fly or "bozzer" lay their eggs on dead food or rotting matter, they can lay many eggs which in turn hatch into maggots. the maggots have a black "sack" of protein which they eat from inside their jackets and when they have done that they pupate and turn into Castors which after a period of a day or two depending on the lighting conditions and the warmth will hatch out into flies!

    You may not have a "nest" unless you have alot of dying matter around, but some plants and trees do attract flys as they trick the fly by giving off certain smells!

    Unfortunatly you may have to get the spray out!, wasps on the other hand are more likely to nest as they chew up your wood work and spit it out in your loft making a hive!

  3. They don't build nests, they lay eggs which turn into maggots and then into the flies. Look for some rotting food source where they might have laid their eggs. It could be a bit of domestic refuse or perhaps a wild bird or something which has died and the flies laid their eggs onto.  

  4. They are dirty gits who lay their eggs on any rotting food source. They will then develop over several weeks. If you have a lot of them say you kill five or six today and notice more tomorrow then you most likely have a colony. One place they love is an oven with overlooked cooked food.


  5. Getting rid of Flies

    there are two tips for this that I know works. First you can go to CO-Op and by some fly tape, its sticky and inexpensive to buy and they love it. it hangs from the ceiling. And Murphys Oil Soap, they will land on it & it kills them not long after. Hope this helps ya.If that does not work then you call you local bug company and ask how to get rid of them or you could if you have a fireplace burn a fire. Good Luck


    First. Keep flies out if you can. For the common housefly, they will sit near your door and wait till you open it and fly in. Dont leave any food out, including in the garbage can. Take it and tie it up in a plastic bag take it out after each meal. Look for maggots in certain rooms often and vaccuum them up if found. I use a vacuum wand to get the flies that accumulate in the windows. It only takes one to make a hundred.

    If fruit flies or gnats. Both are attracted to fresh fruit. I place a banana peel out and wait. In an hour or so, the flies will have found the peel and I squirt them with a spray bottle with some dish soap in it. This makes their wings stick to their body and glues them in place. Get some regular bleach and pour a couple tablespoonfuls in that little hole near the rim of a sink and also the one in the tub if there is one there. This will kill any larvae that may be living there. If

    If you see a fly in the house, put something sweet like cola, fruit juice or a mixture of sugar and water in a container. grab a flyswatter and check out your trap every once and again.

    in the walls of my house

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