
Can anyone tell me where i can buy the old all blacks jersey made by canterbury and has small steinlager badge

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Or the the old canterbury Fiji shirt





  1. Depends whether there is a legal bar on selling them any more now that adidas is the main sponsor and manufacturer. The parent company of Canterbury International is Lane Walker Rudkin, based in Christchurch. They may be able to help.

  2. Keep an eye on

  3. look on ebay for used ones.

    perhaps even replicas.

    i have one. had it for ten years. and i wouldnt change it for one of the new adidas ones for, well, a lot.

  4. Adidas has a lock on the NZ logo (which they pay millions for every year) and has even tried to ban the production of 'similar' models (they tried to sue Canterbury from producing commemorative jerseys for the 'invincibles').

    Your best bet is ebay.

  5. Don't think you can get them anymore. You might have to look for a second hand one.

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