
Can anyone tell me where i can contibute positively with regards to conservation of the environment in tourism

by Guest59180  |  earlier

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I am interested in writing articles about tourism environmental issues and participating in discussions to do with sustainable tourism on the internet and i would be happy if i can know a website i can do that. I have got loads of writings at the moment and i feel i can share with other youths from other countries? Ten points for the best answer.




  1. Sitting at a PC and pontificating isn't going to conserve anything.

  2. I would really celebrate anything  you would like to share on the subject. Caring for the conservation of our resources is a passion with me.

    I have a good readership of people of all ages, including a lot of youth from my training programmes. You may want to consider some of my previous articles on the subject listed in the sources to see if my initiative suits your interest.

    It takes talent to write in a way that interests and tempts people into action.

    Information and inspiration like this NEEDS to be spread around.

  3. You could write your articles at a website called  It is free to join and I think they pay you but don't quote me on that one , but I know you can post your interesting articles.

      All the best.

  4. No idea....why not start your own website?

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