
Can anyone tell me where i can get insurance on pitbulls for cheap?

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Can anyone tell me where i can get insurance on pitbulls for cheap?




  1. Self insure... it's cheaper and more sensible... unless you are talking about liability insurance and then you're SOL - no insurance company is going to insure you for that.

  2. Depend on what you are trying to insure.

    If you're worried about the dogs biting someone, a common Renters policy will cover you for liability.

    If you're concerned about the dogs dying or running away, your personal insurance agent can put a policy on the dogs (livestock policy).  

    Try your local State Farm agent.

  3. If you are talking about homeowner liability insurance, it doesn't exist for that breed.  The ONLY company which will write coverage for you is Foremost, and they will exclude any liability for damages caused by these animals.

  4. I don't know of any insurance company that will give you liability coverage for pitt bulls, period.  I'll watch this thread, and if an agent does suggest a carrier, I'll follow up with them.

  5. There are companies that specialize in pet liability but guess what honey, it's NOT cheap. You have to pay a full year up front and it's typically about three grand a year.

  6. Ive had Pits all my life.  If you are raising a Pit correctly and is well adjusted to other humans and pets, you shouldn't need insurance.  All mine have been well adjusted and very friendly.  Maybe you need to double check your duty owning one of these dogs???

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