
Can anyone tell me where some of you come up with the idea that elves/fairies exist?

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I usually don't even pay any attention to these questions/ answers about elves / fairies etc...They're usually on the Myths & Legends section. Now they're over here. Are you saying that what some people on here think are spirits are really fairies etc? How did you come to the knowledge/belief that fairies & elves exist? I'm not making fun..I'm serious. If people believe in them..there must be a reason..or many reasons. Will someone please tell me what you base this on? Thanks!




  1. the fairies & eleves myth originated in Ireland, I have never seen one myself but that idea does seem a little far fetched as I dont even know of anyone whose seen one of them, but if you try to argue this as a myth while in Ireland they will get mad and shoot you down in a second( not literally though!). They are truly scared to death of them and only speak of them in a whisper, Maybe they only live in Ireland, h**l, I dont know but I do know you can find any topic known to man on the net but I've never read of anyone that claims to have seem either of these in the States.Spirits and ghosts is a different subject altogether because not only have i had my own experiences with them but the majority of people i talk with have at least one story to tell and are believers, the orbs i believe are angels but this is only my opinion, plus from what i can tell or read, they are only captured on film or in pictures.

  2. What is the similarity amongst a god, a vampire, a fairy and a ghost? They are all undefinable supernatural concepts. Both are classes of forces beyond the natural forces studied by physics.

    Either accept all supernatural claims for the same reasons or reject all supernatural claims for the same reasons.

  3. they live in my backyard

  4. Belief in fairies and elves can not be explained.Not in any serious rational way.Your doubts are serving you well in this instance.It's just silly,very silly.I mean that in the kindest way possible.

  5. I didn't think people actually believed this stuff either. What a curious question!

  6. You are so sweet and I do mean that in a good way.

    Most people that posts such questions are psuedoskeptics that are trying to ask baiting questions.

    They are trying to make the point (and they do so poorly) that when one sees an orb (even one unexplained by natural means) or one encounters an unexplained event (say noise from no known physical source) that one can't really justify saying that is a ghost, or fairy, or elf without more information.

    What one can say is that they experienced an unexplained event.

    Even the issue of using the word ghost was changed in the 1880's by the Society for Psychical Research to using the word apparition. Because what people saw was the image of a person. No one knows for sure if one is seeing the surviving spirit/soul which many people call ghosts of a person.

    So one sees apparitions not ghost.

    However, most haunting that have apparitions (many hauntings do not) involve the apparitions of people not of anything looking like elves, fairies, etc. Thus hauntings are associated with ghosts of people from experience.

    This is not to say it is correct. It is perhaps more correct to simply say unexplained.

    That said. Thank you to the people that actually posted information on elves and fairies and their possible existence. I have not studied this so I reserve judgement in the spirit of good science.


  7. What I don't understand is how someone* who is open to believing in spirit entities of one kind can be so closed-minded about spirit entities of another kind.  Why are ghost hunters so against belief in elves and faeries, and leprechauns?  Why do they fear it so?  I am open-minded to all things. Are my experiences with faeries any less valid than somebody else's experiences with ghosts?

    * I don't mean you Deenie, I mean ghost hunters being closed minded. Thanks for asking the question, it was very open minded of you!

  8. I have to agree with Pam R.....They are nature spirits/ elemental and for humans to understand 'who' they are, they will manifest themselves sometimes in 'human' form (fairies/ elves), especially to children.....

    When I was a child, they would speak to me and I did 'see' them, but in spirit (light) form, not really as faeries and elves....

  9. Read books by Doreen Virtue or Sylvia Brown ---  they talk about them extensively.  More so than anyone on here could explain in these answers...

  10. There are many people, often of pagan religious traditions, that believe in the existence of fairies, gnomes, and other entities of the spiritual realm. The often believe these entities provide some sort of natural service or serve as protectors of something. These beliefs have been passed down centuries, perhaps from a time when humankind was more aware and able to interact with such entities. I cannot vouch for the existence or non-existence of such entities, but many believe that they can be seen as colorful lights when you're out in nature. Some say if you leave sugar cubes outside fairies will come, and if you are patient and wait and watch you may see them. I have also heard that in the pagan tradition, Ostara (better known as Easter to Christian traditions) involves coloring eggs and leaving them outside for the fairies.

  11. haha, i'm an atheist, but i did a lot of lurking on vampire web pages -- don't ask, i think they're hot, tho i'd never talk to them cuz they are crazy and wouldn't make good husbands so i just *look* but dont' touch.

    my oppinion is that anything that can be *imagined* will be *believed*. the parts of your brain you use for memory and immagination are the same parts of your brain! this is just a side effect of how the brain is structured.

    if you look at history and Babylonian beliefs, Mayan beliefs, etc, you will notice that anything that can be imagined has been believed in. And in fact, fairies were some sort of nature spirits english ppl believed in -- or welsh ppl or whatever.

    heck, when i was a teenager, i even emailed a kid who believed he *was* an elf!! I'm serious! apparently there's lots of 'em! I see 'em on vampire sites from time to time, crying about finding more of their people. These kids have a dream at night about elves, or they medidate or something, or in the case of the 'elf' i emailed, do *shrooms* and *peyote* or something. And then whatever they imagine, they believe that it *proves* they were whatever... vampires, elves, wearwolves, you name it, people believe it.

    it is mostly young kids. i dont' see anyone who has a job and things like rent to think about -- you know -- reality? -- to actually believe in any of this junk. it was all these wierdos that made me quit being a new-age crystal-gazing wierdo myself and go back to being an atheist.

    as a new-age person -- you can't DIS-believe. Iether it is ALL true or none of it is, and you can't tell someone who had a "recovered memory" of being abducted by aliens that it was their immagination or else you are "negative".

    i wrote a fictional book about these people -- where Mormon and Wiccans go to Mars, and one of the Wiccans decides that she was an elf in a past life, and that Mars was populated by elves, and suddenly all the other Wiccans decide that if she believes it, it must be true.  That's how they think -- they think belief creates your reality. My book is a spoof on that but also points out the dangers of this sort of distorted thinking in a serious way. It is Mother Mars by Corwyn Green. It only sold 2 copies tho because i'm not a good sales-man, and i have given up writing because i can't sell it. But if you wanna read about wierdos tho think they are elves based on a true story -- i can use the book sale :)

  12. hey Deanie! you are really starting to become my fave person on here lol! it's funny you ask this person cause I just really started to get into the fairy thing have you read the story about the cottingley case it's about two girls in the early1900's that actually took photos of fairies and it turn into a big investigation, it's a true story look it up it's really interesting, anyway I just happened to come across a site called "metaphysical awakening" which you must go look at I recommend it. I was kind of skeptical myself but after looking at those pictures on there now I'm like a slow beginner in believing in fairies also one episode of ghost hunters had me thinking as well it's when the head two guys of the team go to Ireland to investigate a haunted castle and their in the woods with the heat sensor thing they use and one of the other guys was like20ft ahead of them which they could see his heat but right behind him was a small heat sensor that broke off to three little beings walking upright in the grass of course they went over to "debunk" it and they couldn't they were so shocked an amazed! did you see that episode? oh my gosh you have too! that episode changed my views completely!!!!

  13. Wow.  There are a lot of people who have their opinions about fairys (or faeries, depending on your linguistic background).  I read all the previous answers to this question.  Let me see if I can remember what everybody said, while adding a couple things that I've heard myself........

    Fairies are described as spirits, aparitions or ghosts; orbs are believed to be fairies; people who live amoung us dream about fairies and then believe themselves to BE fairies or elves; they are Pagan religious beings (and as we know, religious stories are only myth, ESPECIALLY Pagan nonsense ... lol); fairies have been associated with the forest, it has actually been said that they are the spirits of the trees themselves; the legends of fairies come from Ireland ... or is it Scotland?  Wait, no.  Being a Pagan thing, they are just as likely to have come from France, Germany, Sweden, or Norway ... Remember the Pagan religions were prevalant all over Europe, when the Roman Catholic church wiped them out in the Middle Ages.  

    And, yes, it's true that not just Easter, but almost all of the modern Christian or Catholic holidays carry with them indicators of their Pagan origins.  Easter (the celebration of the resurection of Christ) has the colored eggs from the Pagans.  Halloween is the most obvious.  It has totally maintained it's Pagan origins, although it was attempted to turn it into a harvest festival.  The whole "trick-or-Treat" thing comes from this.  The people put "treats" on their front porch on the night of All Hallow's Eve because if the Fairies came, and didn't find the "treats" they would "trick" the people, casting spells or hexes on them.  The center piece of the Christmas celebration is the tree with lights on it which comes from the Pagan Winter Solstice festival, which, held on the longest night of the year, following the shortest day, had as it's center piece a tree with candles on it, in order that the Pagans may, in the absence of light, celebrate light.

    I did see an orb, once, in this very house.  I was sitting in the garage, which we use as a second living room, and looked over by the door to the dining room, and it was hovering just by the front wall.  It moved over toward the door, and then disappreared into the house.  When I told about it, my friend James, said that it was a dream.  Someone was dreaming about me, and because of the connection I must have with the person dreaming, I was able to see the energy of the dream, or the soul of the person travelling around in the dream.

    I, personally, beilieve that it's ALL just a big old Myth.  I was raised in the Christian Church, and I was taught that all this stuff (because it's not directly connected to the One True GOD), is automaticly from the Devil.  It is a way for him to create doubt among believers.

    Let's think about this, for a minute ..... Myths are re-told stories of OLD legends.

    Legends become such, only through MUCH folklore.

    Folklore (folk tales) are stories, handed down, from generation to generation, which have their basis in COLD HARD FACTS!!!!!

    So, YES.  I think it's all a bunch of Myths, but as I have just pointed out, myths DO have a real basis in ancient facts.

    Here's some more "myths" for you (and I apologize for bringing aliens into the whole fairy thing, but there could be a connection, and Deenie, you seem to be the type to explore all possibilities, and we ARE in the paranormal section, so)......

    It has been said that Earth has been visited (for thousands of years) by a number of alien races.  There's the Greys and Reptioids, who seem to be the most well known.  There's also the Greens (aka little green men).  They are human in appearance, but small (like a hobbit, aka half-ling -- another legend connected with fairies and elves and such), and they have green skin ..... small, green, human-like creature ..... sounds like a leprechaun.  There is a group of aliens known simply as the "Norse."  The are tall, like humans, or even slightly taller, thin, usually quite comely, and always have eyes of a conspicuous color (mostly green, but also blue or grey).  This sounds like the elves from the Lord of the Rings, as well as Many Many legends describe them.

    Now, let's throw out paranormal possibilities, for just a moment, here.  Some people see elves as like Santa's Elves, which, to me, are more like hobbits.  This sounds like the people, who are incidentally, quite human, aparently, with a simple genetic abnormality, that are commonly refered to as Dwarves.  There are a few living in my home town.

    Also, fairies have been described as being, like those of the children's movie "Fern Gully," small, glowing, beings of energy or light.  This sounds a lot like fire-flies, or lightening-bugs (which may both be the same animal, I'm not sure.  We don't have either one around here).

    Now, forgive me, on this next thing.  I am usually quite familiar with my facts, including sources and names and such, but in this case I cannot remember the name of the scientist involved, but ..........  There have been legends, leaking out from rain-forest tribal folks to the surrounding civilized cultures, about another hominid species (that's upright-standing, two-leg walking, human-like apes), said to be (full grown) between 3 and 4 feet tall, living in the jungles of India, and that general vicinity.  A lady scientist, who I think is an anthropologist (on the other hand maybe she's an evolutionary biologist.  It might make more sense.  Again, I'm sorry that I can't remember) --- she's the one whose name I cannot remember --- heard about these stories, and went to investigate.  It was time-consuming, and no easy task, but she was able to gain the favor of the jungle tribe from which these legends orriginated.  She moved in with them, and studied their culture, their lives, and their practices, as an anthropologist would, all the while hoping to have a sighting, or gather some evidence for the existence of these little people.  She actually saw numerous footprints throughout the jungle, and one day, after living there for more than 2 years(ironic that she didn't have her camera, that day, but I can understand that she may have gotten discouraged, and figured that after this long without a sighting, it may never happen, and held less of an importance on carrying it with her, everywhere), she claims to have actually seen one.  It looked just like a little man, with one exception.  It's forehead was smaller.  Somewhat larger than that of a chimpanzee, but significantly smaller than that of a human of comparitive size.  Basicly, let's describe the thing as a three-foot tall human with the head of a monkey.  These creatures, as indicated by her two-year presence only resulting in one subsequent sighting, are very elusive.  They hide well, but the evidence of their existence (like foot prints) is, none the less, quite obvious.

    Well, call me dumb, but I think that whole thing reminds me of A LOT of the legends I've heard about fairies and leprechauns and such.

    I know that I've been typing for quite some time, and presented a trove of possible explanations for fairies and elves and such, but that IS kinda the point.  I, myself, have never seen a fairy, or an elf, of any sort.  I've never seen an alien, that I know of.  I've never seen ghosts.  I've never seen God.  I've never seen China, for that matter.  Nor have I ever seen Atlantis, the great pyramids, Alaska, or the Panama Canal.  I have, however, heard stories about all these things.  I know people who CLAIM to have seen all these things.  I've seen pictures of some.  I've seen the evidence supposedly left behind by many of these things.

    So, where do people come up with the idea that these things exist?  Well, I can choose to take their word for it, or I can choose not to.  We come up with our ideas from our own experiences, or from the experiences of others; from listening to the stories others tell, or by looking at the evidence presented to us by others, and believing that it's true.  If those "others" are accredited scientists or our friends, they are more likely to be believed.  If they have "physical evidence," they are more likely to be believed.  If they are just some average guy that we've never met with an incredible story about aliens or fairies or whatever, it won't matter if they even have pictures or video.  If the claim being made is fantastic, they will be VERY unlikely to be believed.

    So each of us makes our own decision whether or not we believe whatever we believe, but, as I have said, here, myths come from truths.

  14. Hello Deenie

    Fairies etc as you have called them are Earth Energies or Nature Spirits, sometimes even called Elementals.

    We ourselves are spirit in body, nature spirits belong to what is living, human, animal & plant. They are known as bridging energies as they aid the gap between the spiritual body & the physical one. They are also a part of our guiding system, so can be seen as guides also.


    join ~ Practice Tarot. Psychic Development.

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    All Like Minded Folk Welcome

  15. The Irish have believed in Fairies for quite a long time. If you get into authors like Doreen Virtue and actually attempt working with them, you will know they are real. I was basically introduced by Virtue through her book "Healing with the Fairies" and her Oracle deck by the same name.

  16. Another good question Denie.

    So you're a believer when it comes to spirits, but disbeliever when it comes to fairies?  To be fair, you must acknowledge there is exactly as much empirical data supporting the existence of fairies and leprechauns as there is supporting ghosts and spirits.  In that way we're both disbelievers toward the paranormal.  You're just a little less of a disbeliever than i am.  When you truly understand why you're a disbeliever when it comes to fairies you'll know why I am a disbeliever when it comes to ghosts.  :-)

    This reminds me of the story of Arthur Conan Doyle, a famous and well-respected author in late 19th-century England.  He was a true believer in faeries who was completely duped by a hoax set of faerie photographs.  He investigated them and concluded that without a doubt the claim was legitimate.  (This from the creator of the great investigator Sherlock Holmes!)  The perpetrators of the hoax, 16 and 10 year old girls, later admitted to faking the whole thing.  This is just yet another example of what happens when paranormal fraud meets a credulous true believer.  See link for the story:

  17. Hi...

    Ok i came here too...Because i think my qustion made this problem...

    So...if you dont believe in elved or jinnies or fairies then let me tell you some example of their existance...!!!

    (But plz tell me your answer in IM or here i want to see what you think then...)

    I'm living in a country that it hasn't good face in the world...Yea i'm a our country we have so many stories about elves...for example...I'm student of an inter. Universtiy in kish Island (South of iran in persian gulf)...and in this place we have a place that people of that island call it "Jinnies castle"...Why they put this name on it??

    about 50 year ago that place was a prison and around that prison was sth like desert because they didnt made kish like now...So it was a prison near the sea and last of a big desert that if you want to go with car to that place these days it take about 15 mins.Then the soldier who was the guard of the prison said to his boss that...Who said nobody lives around that prison??Every day i saw some people who make fire and stand and dance...but when i tell them go you cant stay in here...they began to shot me by hot stones...and they began to scream...and ran...!!!his boss didnt accept it...but one day he told the soldier tonight i will come to the prison and see them...but so bad so sad that when the boss arives he saw that the soildir was fell down from abt 5 meter and dead and not only dead some body was divided him to too many pieces...we here believe that jinnies are something like humans which they are about 70 cm or max 1meter...but they have to much wavy hairs...and their made from fire (Like evil)

    they have too many powers and abilities like they can go every where they want...and if people can make contact with them then people can have too much help and maybe they can use their help...

    so i know more but cant tell more in here...if you want to know more tell me then i will say more examples...

    That was only one of them so ill tell you my personal exp.

    i have some bad memory of some of these elves or jinnies...I think it was one of them...One morning about 1 month ago I wanted to sleep for half hour and then for a while i couldnt see anything with open eyes...and then when my eyes were open i saw that i was turned around...and i couldnt move any part of my body except my eye...I felt sth. heavy sit on my chest and its so big that didnt let me even move my feet and also i couldnt remember who i am and where i was in that time...I forgot that i'm student i expected to be in my bed and in moms home and i couldnt remember that i'm in my home and its in another city...It was stranger for me i mean every thing was strange...but when the phone rang sudenly i rememberd every thing...i wanted to scream but i understood that my mouth were open and i couldnt close it...afer about 10 minutes...every thing were allright but during that 10 mins i felt pain in all of my body...and i cried alot cuz of pain...i think this happend because of one night before that time...because we went to a castle that name is "jinnies castle" and we made too much noise...and we made to many joke with the name of jinny...i dont know maybe...

  18. years of inbreeding and the de-evolution of human kind are the main reasons for these types of beliefs

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