
Can anyone tell me where the safest place is during a thunder storm?

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is the car the safest and why




  1. A house is the safest place to be during a thunderstorm, if you are in a car in a thunderstorm keep your hands off any metal.

  2. The safest place is inside a Faraday cage because electricity travels on the outside of a leading metal.

    This is the reason one is safer inside a car with a metallic chassis than outside. But - as you were already told - don't touch any metallic part.

  3. Inside shelter is safest. A house is best. A car is good, too. A car is safe because you're inside an enclosed metal container, which no electric charge can penetrate. Even if lightning hits your car directly, the charge will follow the path of least resistance, which is through the metal skin of the car and through the tires, to reach ground. If there's a tornado coming though, and you can't get away from it by driving at right angles to its path (if you drive directly away from it, it may catch up to you) you will have to abandon the car lest the tornado pick it up with you inside it.

  4. no a car is not the SAFEST place but is safe the safest place is the house and some where not by windows the glass will break

  5. Inside a sturdy structure, such as your house on the lowest level is the safest place. If you're in a building with no basement, the most interior room is the safest place but anywhere inside a building is safe as long as there is no tornado threat or large hail. The following site has a video demonstration on what happens when lightning strikes a car. You might recognize the guy in this video from the science show "Brainiac" Hope this helps :)

  6. No the car is not the safest. If damaging winds came up it could turn your car over. Although you are okay in a car is there are no damaging winds- it's still not the best place to be. Being indoors is the safest place to be. Avoid being near windows. Also, during a severe thunderstorm, my dad always told me to keep the windows open a crack.  I think it was in case big gusts of winds so it wouldn't smash oen the window or something [i think].

    During tornado weather, it is best to stay in a bathtub, a basement or under the stairs. It also helps to sheild you from flying debris if you lay down with a matress over yourself.

    I hope I helped you!

  7. the car isnt the safest because if it gets hit by lightning it can explode. The safest place is stay at home and turn off all electricity

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