
Can anyone tell me where to find the Ca' da mosto palazzo in Venice.I know it is on the Grnd canal but where?

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i know it is on the grand canal but where exactly? does anyone know? is it on the left or the right as you go up the canal??




  1. Don't know where that palazzo is located, but I do advise you to get a really good map (before you go) and get really familiar with key landmarks near your hotel before you head out to explore Venice. You may want to check out MapEasy's Guidemap to Venice (and any other city you're planning to visit) -- most bookstores carry them. This line of maps is a location and miniguide all in one. They're made to last thru alot of folding and unfolding, too. Ciao!

  2. It's on the east side (I'm assuming "up" the canal means north) before you get to the fish market.

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