
Can anyone tell me why democrats.....?

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Call republicans racist,when the abolitionists were all republican(along with Abraham LIncoln),Then after the Civil war,South Carolina was appointed mostly Black Government officials whom were all harassed out of office by ex-confederate soldiers known as the redcoats whom later became the infamous KKK,then during the civil rights movements it was the republicans whom pushed for equality while the democrats blocked every peice of legislation,besides university,and schools,along with desegragation.Why are they calling us racist?




  1. You need to pay more attention in History class.

    JFK ( Democrat) instituted forced integration and desegregated the schools in Alabama.

    He was opposed by the Republicans at every turn.

    Today, the Republican states are the most backward, oppressive, bigoted states that you have.

  2. Because thats is what the democraPs are good at... they like to blame everyone else for THEIR mistakes without taking the blame or admitting their faults... It doesnt matter what we as Republicans say or do and we can have proof and/or say things that are true etc... If they dont like what you say.. we are a racist!  

    McCain/ Palin.."08"

  3. They are trying to cover up their own history as racists. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was definitely against anyone of Japanese ancestry. Woodrow Wilson claimed the racist D.W. Griffith film "Birth of a Nation" the greatest thing he ever saw.

    Rather than give everyone an equal chance, the Democrats further exacerbate the problem of racism with programs to keep certain racial minorities in a place where they will always be poor.

    You do need help to get anywhere in the world. You might even need a little prodding by the government. However, you don't need a program to do everything for you so you can stay home and do nothing.

    You never get anywhere without hard work.


    I'm a professional historian.

  4. The North is the most bigoted part of the country - Massachusetts, supposedly a liberal bastian of openhandedness in particular.  There they don't have "poor neighborhoods"  Try living in Lexington if you're Hispanic or Black- forget it.  They have rules set up that make it impossible.  You have to live across the Manasus River 30 miles away.  When Duval Patrick got pissed that some of his legislation was not getting passed he threaten to turn foreclosed property into public housing.  I can just see all those libs in there $3 million brown-stones pissing in there pants at the thought of a house packed with welfare recipients living next door.  It worked so that will tell you the level of "inclusion" that REALLY exists.

    Take a look at the fact the the largest riots in NYC history to this day were the race riots regarding the draft for the civil war. The attitudes of the open minded New Yorkers then regarding the slaves was "s***w'em who cares" and not much has changed except when a TV camera or print reporter is around.

  5. The Civil War was primarily fought over economic reasons.  The North wanted to cripple the Southern Economy and the Tariff of Abomination of 1828 was a harbinger of the Civil War. .

    If you examine the CSA, you will find a more laissez-faire approach.  

    By supporting Lincoln and the North, you are not supporting free markets, but increased government regulation and meddling in our daily affairs, and a strong federal government.

    Republicans can't have their cake and eat to.  What exactly do you support, if you don't support free market and a small federal government?  You are treading upon hypocrisy.  

    Do you really support a tyrant that unnecessarily caused the most blood shed in America history or do you not believe that slavery could have been ended peacefully?

    EDIT: Every other nation ended slavery peacefully except the US and Haiti.  The government could have peacefully compensated every slave owner with a monetary value that would have cost less than the entire Civil War.

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